Water Preservation Blog Post 3
Qianna Nelson
November 21, 2010
H.R. 631 directs the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish a research and development program that promotes water efficiency and conservation. This program will include research into technologies, as well as storage and distribution systems aimed at promoting more efficient water use. The bill allows the Assistant Administrator of the EPA to facilitate the adoption of beneficial technologies and publication of information related to water conservation technologies.
Additionally, H.R. 631 directs the Assistant Administrator to fund at least four projects in publicly accessible buildings which will incorporate the latest water conservation technologies and designs.
The EPA Administrator is directed to work with the National Academy of Sciences to complete a study to determine strategies for the management of water supplies, wastewater, and stormwater. The study will include a comparison of water conservation research efforts in the U.S. compared to those of other countries and other assessments. H.R. 631 authorizes $1 million to the EPA Administrator to carry out this study.
The bill authorizes $20 million dollars for each of fiscal years 2010-2014.
H.R. 631: Water Use Efficiency and Conservation Research Act.
A lot of people have come to know about our water problem and many states are trying to make laws such as the one above, so that they can also preserve our water. There are many people all over the nation who want to see many laws passed so we can save our water. But we need more people to get involved so that more of our representatives can make these issues more well known to the other representatives.
Tell your friends and tell your family to all start promoting water preservation. As you can see the all the text and pictures above, the problem is getting worse and not better we need everyone to get involved.
November 21, 2010
In the year 2009 House Representative Jim Matheson proposed the H.R. 631: Water Use Efficiency and Conservation Research Act.
Here is a summary of the bill:H.R. 631 directs the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish a research and development program that promotes water efficiency and conservation. This program will include research into technologies, as well as storage and distribution systems aimed at promoting more efficient water use. The bill allows the Assistant Administrator of the EPA to facilitate the adoption of beneficial technologies and publication of information related to water conservation technologies.
Additionally, H.R. 631 directs the Assistant Administrator to fund at least four projects in publicly accessible buildings which will incorporate the latest water conservation technologies and designs.
The EPA Administrator is directed to work with the National Academy of Sciences to complete a study to determine strategies for the management of water supplies, wastewater, and stormwater. The study will include a comparison of water conservation research efforts in the U.S. compared to those of other countries and other assessments. H.R. 631 authorizes $1 million to the EPA Administrator to carry out this study.
The bill authorizes $20 million dollars for each of fiscal years 2010-2014.
H.R. 631: Water Use Efficiency and Conservation Research Act.
A lot of people have come to know about our water problem and many states are trying to make laws such as the one above, so that they can also preserve our water. There are many people all over the nation who want to see many laws passed so we can save our water. But we need more people to get involved so that more of our representatives can make these issues more well known to the other representatives.
Tell your friends and tell your family to all start promoting water preservation. As you can see the all the text and pictures above, the problem is getting worse and not better we need everyone to get involved.
Ignorance is bliss, but knowledge is power the more we know about how to preserve water the faster we can save our planet.
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