We are teaching the weather in español. What you need to know is......
- What is the temperature like? (¿Qué tiempo hace?)
- It's very cold (Hace frío)
- It's very hot (Hace calor)
- It's very sunny (Hace sol)
- It's very windy (Hace viento)
- It's mostly/partly cloudy (Está mayormente/parcialmente nebulous)
- It's humid (Está húmedo)
- It's raining (Está lloviendo)
- It's snowing (Está nevando)
- What is the temperature like? (¿Qué tiempo hace?)
- It's very cold (Hace frío)
- It's very hot (Hace calor)
- It's very sunny (Hace sol)
- It's very windy (Hace viento)
- It's mostly/partly cloudy (Está mayormente/parcialmente nebulous)
- It's humid (Está húmedo)
- It's raining (Está lloviendo)
- It's snowing (Está nevando)
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