Week 3 Day 2 Negative/Positive Space Cutout
Negative space is the space in an image that our eyes don't focus on first. It is the space around an image, not including details. It usually encompasses what is inside of the shapes or around them. Negative space highlights the shape of the image, and art embracing negative space is normally high-contrast.
Negative space is evident in my cutout, as the shapes on each side are color-blocked by negative and positive space. When creating the image, I traced around the lines found in the template. From there, I cut out copies on colored paper using the template. I made sure that when putting the image back together, I put the opposite colors next to each other.
When using negative space, it helps both the artist and viewer see images or figures that they didn't once see, in turn highlighting the content in its rawest form. By setting up boundaries, balance can be brought to the image, creating a cleaner experience.
Seeing in negative space can be extremely useful and pleasurable. Sometimes drawing the eye to the areas that we wouldn't usually look at allows us to see more of the image than we could before. When drawing, this is a useful tool that is used by artists everywhere to create a specific mood and whimsy.
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