Week 5 - Day 1 & 2 - Rubber stamp - Cut out
The task was to create an rubber stamp that described you as a person, now this might seem like an easy task but in reality it was the exact opposite. For me personally , I would consider myself a variety of things so to dim that down to little was a struggle for me. The fact that also can not draw was another struggle for me.
I started off trying to be very complex. I wanted to make it different that was when my difficulties started. I had some many things that described and could not choose one, That is when I came up with the idea of combining some of them. Which to lead to my first stamp which was an emoji. A mixture of me being funny and outgoing. After drawing my image finish it was then I knew I would have trouble with cutting out the positive and negative space so decided to go with a second approach. After going back to the drawing board a couple times I decided that I would be simple. I decided I would find a way to do my initials in a creative way. This is my final design as you can see above. The picture above symbolizes me in many ways. When to start of it is my. An I have such connection with this because it was not the name given my birth but I identify with this more than the one given to me.
Both positive and negative space was very important when designing my stamp. I wanted to make my stamp visually interesting and made sure something stood out so I cut out certain parts that connect my initials. Instead of making one of my letters positive and the other negative I thought it would be best if both were positive so it has some type of unison to it.
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