Welcome to Mcbeth's

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The project Ethan and I made is based of the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare and we put our own twist to this project by making our very own fast food restaurant. With a diverse menu and many choices to choose from our restaurant tells the story of Macbeth from "he killed me mother" to "thane of cawdor". When we first started on the project we were going to do a card playing game but then we decided to make our own thing. When the time came for us to start working on the restaurant we decided to base it of not on Macbeth but a restaurant everyone would know which is Mcdonalds so we took their iconic golden M and turned it into our own sign. The menu was the hardest part of this project because we needed to make up our own edibles so we made up foods based on lines from the play. 
Here are some of the foods:
  1. Fly chicken Fly is a vegetarian option that is supposed to represent the role of fleance running chickening away from danger

  2. What My Egg (this is a throwback option where we at Mcbeth’s take a fresh farm bought egg and make it so delicious that it will make you say mother he has awoken me

  3. Extra large Birnam wood fries

  4. Thane of Glamis(this is a fairly normal sandwich with everything that you will find in a normal burger and it comes with small birnam wood fries )

  5.     Thane of cawdor special a quarter pounder with medium birnam wood fries and some of that Mcbeth’s special witch juice

  6. Our limited time special King Hereafter specail is a full 3 pound burger  and it comes with a side of bologna just like Macbeth and 3 medium birnam wood fries with some eye of newt and toe of frog finish in 10 minutes or less and get a free Macbeth action figure.

  7. Extra large Birnam wood fries

Besides the difficulties we faced on the menu the project was not that difficult and it was an enjoyable experience to work with Ethan.
