West Virginia/Kentucky Coal Sludge Spill

to see info-graphic, click here. 

We all had a good idea of what we wanted to do. We were all able to get some good research and put out good ideas. We definitely worked well asa group. 

We had a vision to show the percentage of different metals but it was extremely difficult to find information such as that. I would consider executing our project differently because it was hard to create our actual infographic because we couldn't view it all as one since the file was pretty large. I also would organize our research a little differently and try to be a little more creative. 

Be Concise: We included facts straight from news sources and did not include bulky text. 

Be Visual: We created our own map of the area, or at least tried our best and tried to give the map depth. 

Be Smarter: We tried to compare the amount of sludge to multiple things. 

Be Transparent: Our goal was for people to understand how detrimental this was. 

Be Different: We didn't want ours to look unprofessional

Be Accurate: We used accurate news sources such as primary sources. 

Be Attractive: We wanted our info-graphic to flow. 

Be Varied: We tried to include multiple representatives. 

Be Gracious: We attempted to pack a punch but not make it overbearing. 

Be Creative: We wanted to make it visual but left an impression. 

We excelled in being concise, transparent, different, and accurate. We wanted all of our information to be effective and also correct. We wanted to have a nice flow to our graphic so that it would be easy on the eyes. The other areas, we were not so successful in. I think many of these were hard such as being gracious and varied because we could say many things but in order to have it portrayed in a smart clever way. 
