What If? Taking the power out of the NAACP
what if Prezi
What I liked about the project was the same thing that I disliked about the project. For this project we got to choose the topic and the way in which we would present the information that I have found I liked this because it gave us the freedom to be in charge of what we wanted to do, but at the same time I rather do things that have a rubric and specific steps to follow because I find it easier that way. When I was doing my research the most interesting fact that I found was that most of the people who were already involved in the NAACP were people who did not have a lot of power but had more of a faith in what their organization stood for which created power. I like this because I thought before I need the project the only reason why the group got anything done was due to the fact that there was power in the group but that did not turn out to be the case, which made my hypothesis not entirely factual so this added a twist to my project. The actions of specific individuals is made up of the reasons why the historical record is impacted, for instance if Martin Luther King Jr. was not born this would have made a huge impact on the historical record which would be changing the record completely. Also the way in which historical events happen is different too because if something happened before the time it was suppose to happen that could make sense. One decision can influence historical events because usually when things happened back then then that stirred up a whole chain of events. Throughout the project I had a certain way that I wanted the project to look like and a certain way that I wanted to story to be told, if I could have improved anything for the project it would be the way I choose to present it. If I could do it all over I would like to have more of a solid topic when I first started I had two topics in mind so it took me a while to start the actual process of getting the project started. So I felt like with research and other things I had to rush a little but I am still happy with the final product.
What I liked about the project was the same thing that I disliked about the project. For this project we got to choose the topic and the way in which we would present the information that I have found I liked this because it gave us the freedom to be in charge of what we wanted to do, but at the same time I rather do things that have a rubric and specific steps to follow because I find it easier that way. When I was doing my research the most interesting fact that I found was that most of the people who were already involved in the NAACP were people who did not have a lot of power but had more of a faith in what their organization stood for which created power. I like this because I thought before I need the project the only reason why the group got anything done was due to the fact that there was power in the group but that did not turn out to be the case, which made my hypothesis not entirely factual so this added a twist to my project. The actions of specific individuals is made up of the reasons why the historical record is impacted, for instance if Martin Luther King Jr. was not born this would have made a huge impact on the historical record which would be changing the record completely. Also the way in which historical events happen is different too because if something happened before the time it was suppose to happen that could make sense. One decision can influence historical events because usually when things happened back then then that stirred up a whole chain of events. Throughout the project I had a certain way that I wanted the project to look like and a certain way that I wanted to story to be told, if I could have improved anything for the project it would be the way I choose to present it. If I could do it all over I would like to have more of a solid topic when I first started I had two topics in mind so it took me a while to start the actual process of getting the project started. So I felt like with research and other things I had to rush a little but I am still happy with the final product.
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