What makes me me

ARTIST POST- A way how Trevor’s book impacted my piece is how often he said “he didn’t know where he belonged”. It gave me the idea to talk about what I relate as being a black woman in society. Also on how a lot of black people are able to relate to each other based on how we are treated in life and experiences we’ve had. Something that I notice about Trevors writing style is that he has humor in it. Something else he did was explain different events that happened in his life. I’m not good at writing in a humorous way, so I used his way of explanations to fuel how I write. Going back to Trevor’s quote of never really knowing where he belongs, I relate to that. I don’t know what I am. I don’t know what I’m mixed with or what cultures I am a part of besides being black, so I often take comfort in at least knowing that. I wish I knew more of myself and my history though. Trevor had a lot of moments where he discovered who he was and what is important to him. One big thing that I find interesting is how he was able to connect the whole book to his mother. And how she was his rock throughout his whole life. That was a really cool way to dedicate his book to his mom. You can also see how much he loves his mom with the way he describes his relationship with her and describes her. Like in the beginning of the book on page 13 when he says “We had a very Tom and Jerry relationship” which implies that they play around with each other in a violent way. Trevor’s book showed me that it’s ok not to know your place, that it’s not just me, and that others have or do feel like that too.

Amber Mitchell- Memoir Vignette
