What not to put on Facebook???

        During further research I have gathered information on what not to put on facebook that may either stop you from being accepted into a college of your choice or take away a acceptance/scholarship. I have also learned more about how many colleges look at facebook profiles. Below is the knowledge I have gained so far

  • From statistics it has been said that 70% of colleges look at facebook profiles to recruit students. Many educational experts say that what is posted on facebook such as photos, statuses and comments can very much affect college acceptances.
  • From the website posted below (website #3) Howard Verman - Sr. Associate, Strategies For College says that posting inappropriate pictures of yourself or someone else on facebook can hurt your chances.
  • A NYTimes article called “The Choice” says that posting information such as being accepted into collage, or being dejected from college can also affect your chances. Posting a status that shows a lack of care of interest in a college acceptance can be the cause of a acceptance removal.

Websites Used for research:


