Where I'm From_Manna-Symone Middlebrooks
from manners and smack talk.
I am from the slap in the face
(Swollen, throbbing, it tasted like freedom)
I am from blueberry bushes
the Cranberry bog
whose waters disrupted my reflection I remember
as if my own image of me was unsure.
I'm from 5- Flavor Pound Cake and casted broken limbs
From Heffas and Booty Scratchers.
I'm from the get it dones
and shoulda-woulda-couldas
from Fake it! and Own it!
I'm from let the church say……Aaaamen
with a sip of blood wine
and holy ghost dances or preaching fits reenacted for fun.
I am from Sweet Cheeks and Hot Fudge sundae
From candy, diabetic sweet potato pie and flavorless soul food.
From the buds my grandmother lost
to the hunger,
the freckles misplaced located on legs.
I dream of the world in a box
chaotic organization,
confused orientation
suspend themselves.
I am from a time--
lost in time--
searching for past, future, and present reality
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