Whitney Washington Libby, Montana Asbestos Contamination

After the initial infographics we made were proven to be completely incorrect, we worked quickly and hard to get the second set finished, and I believe that that went well. We were not very organized, but overall, we overcame that problem. If i could go back and change things around, I would have made sure we understood the project description before hand. 

Be Concise- We knew or information very well

Be Visual- Being visual was accomplished, but the words were too small :[

Be Smarter- We believe that we were very smart about the information that we did decide to use.

Be Transparent- We were transparent in the sense that we were un biased. 

Be Different- We chose a different approach than that of our peers

Be Accurate- We presented 100% correct information from our sources

Be Attractive- I looked pretty darn good the day of the presentation :D 

Be Varied- The different styles of presentation we used in our project were different for each person

Be Gracious- being gracious did not work through out project becuase the topics did not flow well

Be Creative- We werent too creative 

Asbestos Contamination
