Who Am I Online
In class, i thought the video that we watched was very eye opening it made me aware of the struggles kids go through noadays with all the bullying and things as such. The activity about the emoji made me understand that in any bullying case, there is always something I can do about it. The video brings to mind back in middle school when I used to get made fun of and it just brings back old memories.
Online, I hope that I am seen as a very classy person. I never post anything inappropriate because I know it can come back to bite me. I think people perceive me like I would like to be perceived because I don't out anything online that I would not want people to see. The goal of internet trolls is to put people down and bring down there self esteem by ridiculing them based on there appearance online, which is none of there business. Positive result of online anonymity is that no one will get physically hurt but negative effects would be that people's feeling are getting.
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