Who am I Online?- Satterfield

1. The video I watched was about a boy who was constantly getting bullied. An eye emoji would appear at certain times and if the viewer clicked it, it would make things better for the boy.
2. The results of bullying came to mind when I saw the video. It made me recall past stories I heard of people getting bullied.
3. I appear as a good person. When I look myself, I found my presentations from Prezi and my Facebook account.
4. I think people see me as a young, smart kid when they see me online. Besides Facebook, I'm not on social media a lot so there isn't a lot of that for people to see.
5. The goal of internet trolls is to prank and tease people online by saying rude things about them and messing up their info.
6. A positive factor about anonymity is that no one knows for sure who you are online. However, a negative factor is that if someone is abusing others online, no one can found who they are and thus not be able to stop them. 
