Who is Tylier Driscoll online?

During the classroom activity I watched a video of a cartoon monster kid getting bullied http://iwitnessbullying.org/. I realized that this video brings to light what someones life can be like without a friend and also what some people can go through with too much exposure to the internet. I found very small amounts of myself when searching for myself, the only thing that i found was my old private Facebook page, email, and twitter account. Then, I went to the second page and I found my middle school graduation page. Based on this they may see me exactly how I am today, a teenager in the 9th grade with a lot of private accounts. I believe the goal of internet trolls is to be funny and annoying. This is because they think that it's okay to say rude things on the internet while thinking that they're funny. The positives of anonymity is that your identity remains secret and that nobody can track your movements throughout the web.
Screenshot 2015-11-05 at 12.43.44 PM
Screenshot 2015-11-05 at 12.43.44 PM
