Why are colleges so expensive?

Why are colleges so expensive?

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This graph shows how colleges are getting more and more expensive over the years.

Colleges are so expensive these days. It’s one of the main reasons to why some people don’t or can’t go to college. But it doesn’t make any sense. If elders are always trying to tell you to get a good education, then why is education so expensive? I have a personal connection to this topic because I am hoping to eventually go to college. Also, my sister is in college and she is struggling to pay for college. It’s important to know because almost everyone wants to go to college and get a good education. Colleges are really expensive.  But why? It’s because colleges know a few things according to Andrew Jenson. They know that you need college more than college needs you. Colleges are also trying to compete with each other at all times. So when one not so famous college goes up the famous colleges like Drexel and MIT goes up to look better.

Another reason college is so expensive is that they need to pay for a lot of things, from staff and building says Wendover Productions.  Paying the right staff for things kids are interested in means more money. When a new popular major comes in, the college has to spend lots of money to find a good professor to teach that major. So money is used to get professors. Professors are used to attract students. And students are used to get more money. Also, the colleges want to attract students with a nice building. The bigger and more attractive the building, the more expensive the building is to make so colleges need to cover that cost. Lastly, there is Federal and State money. Federal and State money helps colleges cover the cost.But with less federal and state money the more students have to pay.

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This graph shows that inflation is a big reason on why colleges are so expensive. Also, it rises much higher than any other thing like house prices.

Some countries like Germany, Sweden, and Norway have free college. You're probably wondering how the college makes money. Well the college isn’t completely free says Abby Jackson. Colleges get money from taxes. But paying a little more on taxes is still better than paying thousands of dollars as a student. Now I’m not saying that that college should be free in America.

Anya Kamenetz and Eric Westervelt say that free college would not work in America like it does in Germany. In the article it does say that, “There's rising concern that this debt is stopping young people from buying homes, starting families or businesses, saving for their futures and generally being launched into their lives.” But the difference is that Germany has much fewer people going to college than the US, so free college wouldn’t work that well. All im saying is that colleges shouldn’t be that expensive. In 1980, one year of college was $10,200 dollars. But in 2016 it’s around $32,000. That’s three times as much. I believe colleges should be way more cheaper, especially since education is really important. By not going to college, you are possibly missing out on half a million dollars.  I hope that by learning more about this topic, I can find sway to make colleges cheaper for middle-class  middle class and lower class students.

Comments (2)

Elijah Lerner (Student 2021)
Elijah Lerner

I would suggest leading with an image. In my opinion, the graphic doesn't have any context yet and is relatively meaningless. Many sentences start with a conjunction and are fractured. It is a simple fix with a comma. $10,200 in 1980 is equivalent to $30,301 in 2017 due to inflation. Sure college is more expensive in terms of numbers, but in terms of relative price, colleges have always been that expensive. There is still a problem rooted in this issue but the straight-up cost is not that statistic.

Amal Giknis (Teacher)
Amal Giknis

There's so much to unpack here, especially since this issue impacts so many Americans. How do you think you can play a role in making a change? What are you considering for the rest of your work with this project?