Why Do I Write ?????

Why do we write?
Question is why do we all write?
Why do people write down history?
Why do they write down names?
Why do we write down anything?

The truth is writing is a way people can write down there feelings and memorable moments that last for centuries, people have different ways of writing things also. Some people like to make it mysterious, others like to do action, and some just are weirdos and like to have a big imagination talking bout martians and monsters. But my point is, you don't need to be a perfect writer to write a book, a essay, or even a newspaper article. As long as you have a way of showing your feelings and telling people bout something just to send a message to them, then write. 

I like to write poetry, because to me there is a unlimited number of possible things to write about, Life, Drugs, and the most common known LOVE. Poems don't typically have to rhyme, just as long as the people around you can understand the mural you are trying to get through. But in my choice i like to make it rhyme because it sounds more catchable and more people would want to read it if it rhymed. 

Everyone writes for a reason, let your reason be known and write something. Even if its a letter or a song write it and let people know you can write. 
