Why I Write?

Why do I write? I mostly write because I am instructed to, well then again depends on what type of writing you are talking about? I mostly write because a teacher in a class tells me to. There are much bigger aspects to writing to just this though. I write because it is a form of communication and expressing myself. Writing allows for people to say things they would rather not say out of their mouth, or maybe can't say. I write because it lets me share my story with other people. It allows me to tell others how I feel about things and why I feel that way. Writing is something that we absolutely need. We only know the history that we know today because somebody was smart enough to write it down. Some of the greatest stories are told through writing. Yes people can re-tell stories through talking but that way mostly messes up information, but if it is written down then that changes everything, you are getting the story from the main source. Writing is nothing but another form of talking, and since I love to talk I guess that's why i write. 
