Why I Write...
I write because I feel beautiful. The words flow threw me and out the my fingers where they sprout on paper. The white paper being transformed by my inner thoughts. The white paper being tattooed in ink. My hand making perfect motions across the page as I finish my last sentence leaving a masterpiece behind. But, never forgotten. Writing makes it easier. Something so simple could be your best friend at times when your back is pinned against the wall. It keeps you close. While the light shines down over you, you can reach and actually taste you dreams. No judging is involved but just the time and love. I write because I'm free. Really free. It breaks down the walls of everywhere and lets you fly away like a bird . Nothing nor no one could stop you. You could do anything your heart desires even the most ridiculous things you may have in mind. But, that's why I write. Why do you?
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