Why I Write by kevans
When words come to my head from the long lost plane of my imagination, I Write
When things need to be said that need undivided attention, I Write
To put my mark on the world to let people know I exist, I write
To remember keys that will open doors to my future, I write
When I write I force people to listen,
Written words do not bear any overtones ,
They can't change meaning,
They come to you intact, uncorrupted,
And bear as much felling as they did when you wrote them
When things need to be said that need undivided attention, I Write
To put my mark on the world to let people know I exist, I write
To remember keys that will open doors to my future, I write
When I write I force people to listen,
Written words do not bear any overtones ,
They can't change meaning,
They come to you intact, uncorrupted,
And bear as much felling as they did when you wrote them
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