William Dos Santos Figueiredo Capstone

My capstone was a website for any new upcoming student interested in playing soccer for the first time. The World Cup will be happening this summer, therefore, there will be an influx of new interested players, who will want to give soccer a try. I know this, because my first year in this school, was after the 2014 World Cup, where there were over thirty people attempting to play, and many of them had no clue on how the game was played. 
As I was doing this I thoroughly enjoyed learning new things about a sport in which I grew up playing, which I never expected existed. This sport is extremely complicated and it takes a lot to understand, however, it can also be simplified and explained properly and that is what I try to achieve with my website. I am proud and happy with my final product as I have placed a lot of time and work into it. I wish that many people who are interested in playing soccer for the first time will come to my website, where they will receive plenty of information which will perfectly help them on their journey.
In this project, I touched upon the sport in general such as real players and how the world of soccer worked, as well as fitness and the proper training in which these new players must go through to progress and improve. There is also a timeline of their performance and progress as they will know when they are making the right progress, as well as where to go from there. Those interested are also able to subscribe to the website as more posts will be released regarding soccer.

My website: https://firsttimesoccer.weebly.com/

My bibliography: https://firsttimesoccer.weebly.com/bibliography.html
