250 Word Sentence
As I watched his rehearsed, unduly ridiculous speech, which I had heard
before on many occasion, with his overly fitted suited with matching printed
tie screaming creepy politician who will stand in the crowd, kissing babies in
hopes of reelection to keep his seat of power that he may not have truly deserved,
if he politician’s uniform was not enough his tacky overly decorated office
covered with awards, accolades, accomplishments, and newspapers covers with his
gleaming white ‘trust-me-if-you-want-to’ smile screamed at me, giving me more
than enough reasons to hate this city and its political leaders who we
ignorantly allow to keep their positions, I knew that I did not want to be
standing in the crowd of kids they believed were the best at a sport that they:
1. Knew nothing about 2. Couldn’t care less, and 3. Had no interest in learning
more, we were just another step in his process to remain the sole ruler of our adjudication
system, but there was one woman, whose name was Roxanne (her last name I cannot
remember), the youngest judge in Philadelphia she stood at a height of about 5
foot, with her small stature that was covered by a black over sized judge robe,
and a smile bright enough to make light up a dreary court room, she changed my
opinion about our court system, even though we were not able to see her proceed
over a real trial, her love for the law and everything it stands for protruded
out louder the ignorant speech of district attorney.
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