250 words
At the house of the victim, the mother sat quietly staring at the clean floor -where once was the deadly bloody body of her only son-usually when couples lose a son or a daughter they tend to blame each other; instead this couple were holding hands all the time, crying on each other’s shoulders (but it was clear that even though everybody in the investigation department expected the mother to be the sensitive one, it was the other way around; the mother had total control of the situation, and like unusual, the father was completely submissive to the mother) there was something special in this case, the behavioral agents were surprised when they saw the victim’s room: It was incredibly clean for a boy’s room (the dirty laundry was in order, the clothes were properly fold, no dirt was visible), there was no posters on the wall (the walls were so clean that it was as if they were painted the night before), the room didn’t have a funky smell (instead there was an essence of vanilla in the air), there was a journal under the bed and here is what it was written in the last page: "I’m sorry for all the I could of do but I never did: I’m sorry for forgetting your birthday, I’m sorry for all the things I said to you last night, I’m sorry for not telling you about my troubles, I’m sorry for the demon I’ve become, I’m sorry for not being the son you always wanted"
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