250 words of fun

Minato Asagi was your normal high school student, who was an A, B student, captain of the kendo club, Student council member and boyfriend to the prettiest girl in school, Yukari Todowashi, and although he was average at most things, the one thing he excelled at over any other was card games; Be it Yu-Gi-Oh or Blackjack, Minato was the undisputed champion but, all of that changed when one day, when the resident reserved girl of the school, Hinata Yamagishi, beat him at his own game, then claimed to hate him and card games in general; Minato, determined to find out more, Minato follows her and is suddenly dragged into her world as they are attacked, his powers activate and he is teleported to the far off land of Sensori, where the monsters are abundant, people are warriors and any video game nerd would call paradise, and now, with his powers, his new teammate and his will, he must learn to survive and unravel the secrets in this card based death world as the clock


