World of 100
The category in which I was the most accurate is "Literacy By Gender". Out of all three of my categories this was the closest of the three to the correct number most likely because of my middle school experience. I had a very different middle school experience mainly because the school was segregated if you will into to sides. One side of the middle school, was comprised of students individually selected from other school around the district because my middle school was a magnet school. While the other side was comprised of students who attended the school in elementary school and didn't qualify to be in the magnet program due to their grades, behavior, etc. The majority of the students in the magnet program were academically gifted and their literacy rates reflected that. And the students in the regular side of the middle school had grades that were rather mediocre and when I weighed out the students in the middle school from both sides, academic and regular, I felt it gave me a fair representation of male literacy rate on a larger scale
The correct answer that shocked me the most was the correct number for "Access to Clean/Safe Drinking water". We live in a society where recycling and conservation is almost second nature and we act as though there is a majority of the world that doesn't have access to safe/ clean water like we do in America. I felt like to have 87 of 100 people have access to clean/safe water that shows that we as a human race have been doing our part in conservation and the pollution rates have come down because years ago this was a serious problem that was taken seriously worldwide
I ended up being way off in my predictions compared to the correct/real answers. I think this is because certain morals & values were used to teach me respect and many of them are slight exaggerations of what is real. We are taught to be good standing citizens so that throws off our perception of what the real world is like and my personal opinion
The correct answer that shocked me the most was the correct number for "Access to Clean/Safe Drinking water". We live in a society where recycling and conservation is almost second nature and we act as though there is a majority of the world that doesn't have access to safe/ clean water like we do in America. I felt like to have 87 of 100 people have access to clean/safe water that shows that we as a human race have been doing our part in conservation and the pollution rates have come down because years ago this was a serious problem that was taken seriously worldwide
I ended up being way off in my predictions compared to the correct/real answers. I think this is because certain morals & values were used to teach me respect and many of them are slight exaggerations of what is real. We are taught to be good standing citizens so that throws off our perception of what the real world is like and my personal opinion
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