World of 100 Ali Ahmed
Ali Ahmed
Poverty of 100

The graph above is a representation of my guess, m classes average guess and the actual answer of how many people live in poverty (less than 2usd/day). I held a much more realistic view than the res of my class in the statistic. I know that the unfortunate are a dominant amount of people but I know that our world has moved in the direction where labor in general is needed more and more and even if they are not getting paid much, 2 dollars isn't much at all. The statistic is still staggering. 48% of people in poverty is still a horrible statistic and is suprising for our day in age.
One statistic that I felt really confident about was drinking water. I know that there have been huge leaps in cheap humanitarian alternatives to drinking water. What I did not expect was the huge leaps in such advancements. To achieve such a record is amazing, The class were pessimist with these statistics I guess I expect more of the world community.

As with the water statistic this one suprised me similiarly. I knew electricty has become much more accesible but advances have become surprising, and as with the water statistic the class was full of pessimists. We are getting to a point where things we take for granted are being taken for granted elsewhere and this creates an illusion that we live the same. Just because you have electricity doesn't means it's on 24 hours a day nor do you have the supplies to actually use it. These statistics are skewed as are all stats but I like that these stats can even be justified. This wasn't possible ten years ago. Maybe in ten years there stats will be real.
Poverty of 100
The graph above is a representation of my guess, m classes average guess and the actual answer of how many people live in poverty (less than 2usd/day). I held a much more realistic view than the res of my class in the statistic. I know that the unfortunate are a dominant amount of people but I know that our world has moved in the direction where labor in general is needed more and more and even if they are not getting paid much, 2 dollars isn't much at all. The statistic is still staggering. 48% of people in poverty is still a horrible statistic and is suprising for our day in age.
One statistic that I felt really confident about was drinking water. I know that there have been huge leaps in cheap humanitarian alternatives to drinking water. What I did not expect was the huge leaps in such advancements. To achieve such a record is amazing, The class were pessimist with these statistics I guess I expect more of the world community.
As with the water statistic this one suprised me similiarly. I knew electricty has become much more accesible but advances have become surprising, and as with the water statistic the class was full of pessimists. We are getting to a point where things we take for granted are being taken for granted elsewhere and this creates an illusion that we live the same. Just because you have electricity doesn't means it's on 24 hours a day nor do you have the supplies to actually use it. These statistics are skewed as are all stats but I like that these stats can even be justified. This wasn't possible ten years ago. Maybe in ten years there stats will be real.
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