World of 100 Analysis
Though the only correction I had was my choice of 0-14(28) being close to the right answer of 0-14(32), I had he right concept where 15-48 would be majority of the 100, 0-14 will be the 2nd rank, and 55+ is minority of the 100. I was not too shocked with the real/correct answers for the ages. Like I mentioned earlier, both my choice and the right answer had the same concept. Why I think this correct concept would be of the ages is because the ages between 15-48 are like the in betweens of the ages. Like you're growing towards your young adult hood and living your "mid-life" where as to the ages between 0-14 are just too young but there are a lot of kids and 55+older...not to sound cruel but going back to like the previous centuries not as much of us were able to have access to the proper medicine and just new diseases that we were exposed too. So around those centuries, it was common for majority of 55+ to die at a young old age.
The right answer for geography was too much of a shock for me. Asia with 60% of the population can be true but I would of thought that Africa would have more people than Asia. My answers were the total opposite of the right answers.
Other language was one of my low choices but came to be the opposite of the right answer. I would expect that either chinese, english, or spanish would be the most spoken language but it came to be the few.
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