World of 100 Analysis
I was shocked at the overall data for those living on less then 2USD because my answers and the overall class average are roughly close to each and the correct averages were at about 47. I found it interesting that my answers were considered the highest because I was expecting a majority of people to live on less then 2USD where in reality and according to the correct answers it is actually fairly lower then my average and the class average. I was expecting the correct answers to be fairly high like my average. The data set for those living on more then 2USD shocked me as well because considering the fact that there are only 100 people living in the world I would expect, not many living on 2USD. I was surprised when the correct answers showed to be higher then 50 people living on more then 2USD. The class average seemed fair to me because it was in between not to little and not to much.
The literacy levels for the males who are able to read and write didn't shock me as much because I was right on task. I was roughly close and I had a good overall understanding although I wasn't as close to the correct answers. I didn't feel like anything could have been changed for my answers or the overall class average because of the different opinions people put into it. The males who are unable to read and write surprised me because I was expecting the correct answers to be similar to my results and to the class averages but the outcome turned out to be the exact opposite. The correct answers resulted in having a fairly low amount of males unable to read and write where I thought it would be significantly higher amount. The females who are able to read and write didn't surprise me considering the fact that the correct answers and my answers were similar to one another. Where the class average surprised me because it was lower then my average and the correct answers. The females who are unable to read and write surprised me as well because the correct answer and my answers showed similarities but I was confused by how off the class averages were.
I was confused by my data because it my head it made sense to have a low amount of cell phone subscribers because previously I had assumed that there were very little, persons getting more then 2USD and therefore I assumed that the results I chose were relevant. The non cell phone subscribers caught me by surprise as well because my answers were fairly high and so was the class average but the correct answer were low. I believe that this happened because of my previous decision of the cell phone subscribers. I assumed the same thing for the internet users, the fact that I had chosen very little, persons getting more then 2USD and that if affected how many active and inactive internet users there are. I was surprised by high my answers were for the inactive users and how low they were for active internet users. The class average surprised me because the results from the class and the correct answers were fairly similar and at about the same place for one another. My results were the only ones off.
I would say the most accurate would probably be in the category of literacy involving the female gender. I think this was the case because in my head in the past many females were very intelligent and knew many things about learning how to write and read. I think that overall in this case that it made sense to me to have majority rules because there weren't many peoples to base it off of. The most inaccurate would probably be in the technology section involving cell phone users. I think this is because of the way I answered previous date involving the poverty rates.
The poverty levels shocked me the most because considering the fact that there are only 100 people I never thought to settle more then half of them on more then 2USD. I expected it to be fairly lower and I expected a majority of them to be living on less then 2USD.
I would say that I was on spot several times and way off at other times because throughout the results and the averages overall I realized that not everything I decided would match up and I knew I would be off. My results resulted in the way the did because of previous decisions I made on the previous topics at hand. I based my overall answers on other topic answers I have chosen.
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