World of 100 Analysis - Alsardary
Surprisingly enough, out of the three categories that I chose (Poverty, Geography, Age), I was most accurate compared to the real answers in the Age category. I think I was most accurate in this category mostly because Age is much easier to predict, especially since it is most likely that a majority of people would be middle aged, and a small percentage either kids or old people. The category that I was extremely innacurate, and though it surprised me at first, I found to understand a bit more, was the Poverty. I was mostly innacurate because i assumed that basically everyone would be working with more than 2 USD a day when the real truth is around the world, there are many people that work under that. It is sort of split straight down the middle. The real/correct answer that really surprised me the most would be that almost 50% of the 100 people work under 2 USD. Its not only surprising, but it is also sad to really realize that the truth is most people around the world are actually working on that type of wage. The one that honestly didnt surprise me was that 60 out of 100 people would be from Asia. That is the case because there a huge amount more people around there, especially since not only are you including Asian/Chinese, but you are including Middle Eastern countries like Iraq and such. Some of my predictions were a bit off for some like the Geography, but I was more or less trying to split the population down the middle more than really realize the truth to how many people would actually be real and on point. Overall, I found it pretty surprising the outcomes I found out and it was pretty knowledgable.
Surprisingly enough, out of the three categories that I chose (Poverty, Geography, Age), I was most accurate compared to the real answers in the Age category. I think I was most accurate in this category mostly because Age is much easier to predict, especially since it is most likely that a majority of people would be middle aged, and a small percentage either kids or old people. The category that I was extremely innacurate, and though it surprised me at first, I found to understand a bit more, was the Poverty. I was mostly innacurate because i assumed that basically everyone would be working with more than 2 USD a day when the real truth is around the world, there are many people that work under that. It is sort of split straight down the middle. The real/correct answer that really surprised me the most would be that almost 50% of the 100 people work under 2 USD. Its not only surprising, but it is also sad to really realize that the truth is most people around the world are actually working on that type of wage. The one that honestly didnt surprise me was that 60 out of 100 people would be from Asia. That is the case because there a huge amount more people around there, especially since not only are you including Asian/Chinese, but you are including Middle Eastern countries like Iraq and such. Some of my predictions were a bit off for some like the Geography, but I was more or less trying to split the population down the middle more than really realize the truth to how many people would actually be real and on point. Overall, I found it pretty surprising the outcomes I found out and it was pretty knowledgable.
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