YATW Blog#2:World Hunger
Hello there, I am Dejanyia Johnson and this is Part 2 of my 3 part blog post. If you have not read my last blog post , I am doing this for my English class. I and my classmates were told to pick one of various topics, research about them, and create three blog post where we explained and talked about the issue that we have chosen. In case you are wondering what issue I chose, it’s World Hunger. I chose this issue because there are many solutions to the issue, but there is no one taking any action or being assertive. After I finished my last blog post, I still had questions that were not answered. So, I took it upon myself to conduct my own research to see how people felt about the issue. I created my own survey asking people certain questions about the issue to see what the results would be like.
While I created and received data, I started to analyze and try to process the data. I found that while most people agree that hunger is an issue, there was still a few people who thought/think that it is not. When I first saw the responses, I was a bit shocked, but then I began to understand why there were answers there were. I figured that since some,” no”, they most likely have not encountered the issue. I also researched other information on the issue and why were there so many people affected. I found that most individuals affected by hunger are children. This was at StatisticBrain. If you go to this site you can see how they analyze their data as well.
In my survey, I asked individuals did they live in a low income household. I asked that question because most likely the reason to the malnutrition of both children and adults, would be due to the fact that there is a lack of income households receive. I say that because if there is no money coming through, then food can not be afforded. Hunger is a big problem. In fact, this is the main reason as to why hunger is such an epidemic. I say that this is a problem because many people do not view hunger as a crisis, but more as something that is bound to happen. If you look at this site , you would be able to see the statitstics about world hunger. It is a major issue that should be solved. If you view the website, you can see or infer that the reason to hunger is due to lack of income.
While I created and received data, I started to analyze and try to process the data. I found that while most people agree that hunger is an issue, there was still a few people who thought/think that it is not. When I first saw the responses, I was a bit shocked, but then I began to understand why there were answers there were. I figured that since some,” no”, they most likely have not encountered the issue. I also researched other information on the issue and why were there so many people affected. I found that most individuals affected by hunger are children. This was at StatisticBrain. If you go to this site you can see how they analyze their data as well.
This is information has helped me add to my understanding in multiple ways. After I have done my research and conducted my own research, I realized that hunger is an even bigger issue than I thought. Although this is true, I now understand how important it is to get the issue recognized because there are still people out there who does not believe this is true. Now that I have added to my research, I feel as though that there should be someone taking action and being assertive about the issue. Since I feel this way, I want to become an agent of change. An agent of change is someone who wants to do something about a certain issue. So, I am going to either volunteer at a soup kitchen or a shelter. This will help me to see up close and personal about what actually goes on and a chance to talk to the people who come there.
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