YATW Blog Post #3

​What Is The Fur Industry?
Even if you buy a fur glove with the little trim, and you think 'Oh, my God, it's just a little trim,' that animal got clubbed. 
 Eva Mendes

In my two previous blog posts (1 and 2), I explained what the fur industry was, including history and statistics, along with results of a previous survey that I used to find out what people knew about the Fur Industry. The survey that I used is similar to the survey I used for this current blog post (#3.) For the survey, (here is the link) I attached an article that composed of key information from my both of my previous blogs, and attached the to a revised survey. I then had my mom take some copies, and give them out to students and teachers at the Girard Academic Music Program (GAMP) and to my dad who works at SEPTA for his co-workers to fill-out. 

My goal of Blog Post #3 was to go and change something. After looking through many sites related to my topic, I noticed that just saying something or doing something might not be the best thing to do, considering the fact that I wanted to change the thoughts of people who heard it. I did not want be talking to people, saying that they did the wrong thing by buying fur products, (although in my opinion, they did) nor did I want to have an interview with a business manager or animal enthusiast, because I would already know what answers I would have received. I think that sending a survey to two different age groups was a good idea, because each response would be confidential, which allowed people to write what they really felt and to tell or show other people the article that I had attached. 

I think that I got far in learning about the fur industry and teaching other people. I think that there is still more that I can. I will possible be returning to GAMP and SEPTA for more projects. I would like to thank them for their participation in my survey.
