"You're Gay? Who cares?"

This Podcast is about my sister, "coming out of the closet" and how it affected her life. 

Podcast Azaria Burton

I was really happy to do this project because I knew I would learn so much about my sister and understand why she feels the way she does about her childhood. Izena always told me that her childhood was hard but I never knew the reasons why until know. I learned about how being gay has affected her life. When she told my family that she was gay, there was a huge uproar and people in my family made her feel bad about her sexuality. This was very surprising to me because everybody in my family seems to have no problem with Izena being gay. They even invite her girlfriends over to family parties and seem very welcoming. So, for these reasons it's surprising to find out that they did mistreat her for being gay when they first found out. I also didn't know that when she was young she though being gay was a sickness. It makes me proud of her to see how many obstacles she's gone through yet,  she still loves our family and is also very honest and open about her sexuality. To me interviewing Samirah was the perfect touch because it was interesting to hear how Izena's sexuality affected Samirah and how the families reactions affected her lifestyle and how comfortable she was with them.  I enjoyed this project because I learned so much about my sisters and my families. I have newfound respect for my sister, Izena and I will continue to support her and remind her that there is nothing wrong with her sexuality. 

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