You And The World : Agent of Change - Teen Pregnancy

My name is Brittany Cooper, over the past seven months I have been working on my You and The World Project. I had a very difficult topic for my age which was teen pregnancy. A agent of change is a way you would make a difference.  For my agent of change I made posters about teen pregnancy. Stating general facts about the topic. They would be found all the school and throughout the hallways.

I was highly hesitant to pick what my agent of change should be, because of how opinionated my topic is. I felt as though, I might not be in control. I was unsure as to what I was going to do, weather I was going to interview people or even do a presentation. But I wanted to hands on so I decided to make posters and post them around the school. The posters would contain information from my previous blogs. A problem that occurred for me was making sure I don’t repeat or overfill the poster with information.

After doing this project I learned that one mistake can change your life . Getting pregnant at a young age, is not worth it. When you get pregnant in your teen years you give up everything! You have you grow up fast and have to take responsibility for your actions because it is no longer about you. I believe my topic makes teens think twice about having sex. That abstinence is the safe way.

I see myself in the community as a person who is always willing to educate themselves. Also as a leader. A positive person who is proud to be a person who is all for abstinence. From this project I will take a different look at the level of maturity people go through. That there is a time and place for everything.

Link to My blog #

Comments (1)

Ameer Holmes (Student 2016)
Ameer Holmes

No glove no love. This is a really important things for teens around the world to understand. Globally this is an issue. Changing the minds of thousands of teens could better the lives of millions of even younger children. Good Job.