You and the World Blog post# 1: Education In America
The public education system in the U.S. is far behind those of the other world and is holding back on its true potential to raise its youth. Money from schools is being cut at bigger and bigger rates each year and by the millions. Most would think education would, and should be the last thing to cut. The public schools’ budget and make it that much harder for them to educate our youth, schools are being closed and deteriorating by the second because they do not have enough money to keep their schools afloat. The district requires the all the district affiliated schools in philadelphia to take the PSSA’S and only recently have they caught a surprising number of schools cheating because they cannot pass these tests otherwise. So much of the resources used to help prepare these kids for the standardised tests has been lost because of these enormous budget cuts, yet they almost passed a bill about increase in your taxes. So where's all this money going exactly? Obviously not to our schools. Statistics say that in the state of Pennsylvania third grade test scores are the judgement of how many penitentiaries they are going to build on account of that state that year. The United States of America has put its future in a state of emergency where we are stuck are youth is not expected to catch up after the third grade yet many schools are trying to prepare it students for jobs and critical thinking that they aren’t even sure how or when or what they will be applied to, but they no it will be needed.
It seems that no one wants to address the main problem of our schools a lot of it is money related of course but how we are teaching the youth is also very insufficient in the sense that we are putting bad authorities that are placed in the school. Bad teachers are being placed in schools that already are under bad circumstances with kids that need better attention and cannot. It seems while no one knows what is going on with our education system everyone is an expert of some sort. We have experts diagnosing minorities with medical conditions because the education system cannot do its job properly. It is almost like revert slavery when runaway slaves would be diagnosed with diseases because they were not content with their situation. In this case it is somewhat the same way. People cannot accept their mistakes and lack of education in our youth and so they find a new blame.The heart of the problem in my opinion is that no one is paying enough attention to the schools that are falling down the drain especially in places like camden. So many other people are pulling off of these environments in the sense that it is easier to keep ourselves afloat if we let these rougher areas deteriorate, but if we only have a select number of children in good schools and applying their knowledge to real life situations and pondering deeper questions and avoiding the one word standard answer, and understand why they are doing what they are doing. We are screwed for lack of a better term to say the least. If only a quarter of our youth is capable of navigating and imagining and developing their ability to create we will have no future. We will be in a place that either we cannot come back from or it will be like trying to spread a centimeter of butter on a meter wide piece of toast. A stretch. Other parts of the world are seeing this problem in their youth, and making a major attempt to fix it. In cuba they have created an infinite amount of opportunity in schools and the prisons are even leaning more towards better education. In the prisons in cuba the inmates are required to take a certain number of classes and read. The concept of this method is to have less repeat inmates and it is in my opinion not shockingly successful, but successful because the people in these incarcerations are educating themselves and changing themselves, In cuba they want to keep the people out of prisons while this nation is trying to put more in. Blaming the failure rate of minorities and others in bad education situations on irrational reasons. As a nation we should be trying to build a sturdy future for our country and we are doing just the opposite. Giving poor people no opportunities or resources to send their children to good schools because it has been made to keep “incompetent” children out, but how can we have competent children without any opportunity's?
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