Youth Violence

Hello, My name is Benjamin Rivera and I am a 9th grader from Science Leadership Academy. My teacher assigned a You & The world project which involves me discussing a problem and making a resolution to the problem or have it noticed. Youth Violence has really gotten out of hand in our community. Philadelphia public transportation has gone through so much youth violence and has really affected our public safety for everyone around watching or being involved. Our Students are the most involved in these youth fights. It’s mostly Philadelphia  high school students from schools with good fighting reputation and they cause problems for adults, buses and trains. Students from all over Philly come to fight  around a train stations in North Philly. Youth violence tends to gives a larger crime rate in these parts of Philadelphia and it has cause serious issues. Also Students from West Philly are becoming a problem too, so let not use any biases.. Anything goes down on the streets of Philly, students don’t care if you’re old or young, if you have what they want they will jump or fight you. Sometimes people even die. In one event that occurred at Broad & Olney ended with a young girl’s life was taken by a traveling bullet after a fight that went down previously that day.

A high school football player instigated the shooting and him and the shooter are in prison for the murder of the 15 year old. It all started after school dismissal with over 50 students having an all out brawl. One other man was shot but survived the incident. Students fled after the shooting began and cops started swarming in to see and stop what was going on within the crowd.

     Image result for cops running to stop violence in philly                            

People fleeing from police

Even down in Center City Philadelphia nothing's changed. Students are just the same as they are in North and West Philadelphia. One incident which involved ten teenager down at race-vine station was horrible. 8 Student were stomping and punching two students as they laid on the ground begging for them to stop. Septa Police are getting sick of the fighting and called a meeting with the districts to discuss how to prevent fights from happening after school hours.

Thomas Nestel. Photo | Mariam Dembele

Septa Police discussing the problem

Earlier that month over 100 students started a flash mob and was too hard for police to break up so they ended up arresting and restraining students who were involved in the huge fight. These kids are causing pain and fear for other kids.

Another all out brawl but it’s different this time. Instead of the fights being in one place they traveled from center city to north east fights left and right. Some of those fight’s were even caught on cell phone cameras. Kids started throwing not snowballs but ice balls which can really harm or injure someone if not paying attention and they get hit.My Research has impacted my understanding because I didn’t know that my situation. wasn’t just in one place.

It’s actually all around Philadelphia also I just thought that the fights usually happen when it’s hot but fights go down in the winter too. That's intense for kids to fight all throughout the year. The research I did can be found in my Annotated Bibliography.

Comments (2)

Niya Petty (Student 2020)
Niya Petty

I know you really want to fix the problem with the fight in your neighborhood and I think this is a very nice start. I can see that is is a big problem to you and I think people will listen to this story.

Thomas Gualtieri (Student 2020)
Thomas Gualtieri

I know from what you've talked about in class that this is something that you've really noticed in your own life. Your addition of the map and a specific example really help to solidify your writing. It's clear that you have lots of material ready to be released for this project. Good job and good luck with your project.