Leaving The Building
Students may leave the building during the school day only with permission obtained from Principals Aaron Gerwer or Chris Lehmann. A student seeking permission to leave the campus during the school day should bring a note from home signed by her or his parent/guardian stating the reason for the request or have the student email Mr. Gerwer, Mr. Lehmann and/or Ms. LoGiudice. In case of an emergency, a student will only be released to a parent or with the permission of a parent when called by a staff member (nurse, secretary, principal.)
If students know that they will be missing a class due to an unavoidable absence, they need to let their teachers know one day ahead of time. Students are responsible for making up any work from classes missed.
Students are reminded that they are officially present in school each morning when they swipe in on ScholarChip and are obligated to stay in the building from that point forward. On Wednesday afternoons, 9th grade students must stay in the building before being escorted to the Franklin Institute.
Seniors who do not have a last period class (on non-Advisory days) may leave the building.