Geometry Q2 Benchmark
Your favorite childhood cartoons await! Below you will see the guide that allows television and geometry to combine.
Your favorite childhood cartoons await! Below you will see the guide that allows television and geometry to combine.
Since quarter one, I have found new ways to improve my notebook to help it make sense to me. This quarter especially, I found a way to organize my discussion notes so I can understand what thought belongs to who, and what response belongs to what question. With organized information, I can learn how others feel about a topic and use their knowledge to expand my own. This shows that through my notes, I can learn more about myself and others in how we learn. I intended to maximize this knowledge by continuing to improve on my discussion notes and how I feel about others’ opinions. In order to do this, I will also need to keep making color coded annotations to be able to contribute to group or pod discussions to be able to suggest ideas, because that is how my reading notes make sense to me.
Brooke Johnson - Q1 Notebook Project
My personal strategies of organization in my notebook for quarter one has helped my learning in many ways. For example, It has helped me understand how to take better notes. This enhances my work, because the more context I have on something I need to write about, the more understanding I will have in my piece. I can get this context through class discussions, which can also be found in our notebooks. This can help me understand the reason for the author’s purpose when we are reading novels, and how the view differs for other people. I intend to use this information to use in my own writing later on. This can create a more enhanced writing piece by adding story elements that I would not have thought of otherwise.
The following story is in a multi narrative format, inspired by Robin Benway’s book Far From the Tree. While Far From the Tree has three narrators, my story only has two. Benway’s book is related to an estranged family finding each other, while my story approaches the topic of reuniting with family after tragedy occurs. Both pieces introduce the idea of what it means to be a family. Finally, the story elements that arise within my story are influenced by the techniques that are shown in Benway’s art. These elements include a snapshot, thoughtshot, motif, dialogue, and the use of dramatic irony.
This is my first English project as a freshman. Please feel free to review my work!