Q2 Benchmark
I worked with Kade to create a design of a heart in a box. We created this using different types of lines and by calculating the slopes of these lines. Q2 Benchmark
I worked with Kade to create a design of a heart in a box. We created this using different types of lines and by calculating the slopes of these lines. Q2 Benchmark
In Q2, my notebook has allowed me to organize my thoughts from the book, lessons, and discussions, as well as brainstorm ideas for projects. In the future I hope to use my notebook more often in discussions and other things where it isn’t specifically needed, and to take notes on everything, rather than specifically when I need to. Q2 Notebook Walkthrough
Through this quarter I’ve learned a lot about new notation skills and I’ve benefited from what I’ve learned in the past. It’s been incredibly helpful with planning for future projects and remembering important ideas that I, or my classmates had. It’s kept me on top of everything and I plan on continuing to use visual tools and note-taking skills throughout this year, and additionally including other physical assignments in my notebook. [Here’s my Q1 notebook!] (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1T2fVu_kqOF7Gv_44jhJM7vM9fI3RT_qV/view?usp=sharing)
My project is a short story about a girl named Emma’s new job at NASA. It goes through her very first rocketship trip into space. I used graphs and tables as well to help convey the algebra that I used in my story.
My short story reflects the “chosen family” trope through three friends who all see each other as their family. The story was inspired by Robin Benway’s “Far From the Tree” through my artistic choices through the writing, characters, and relationships. I utilized a few of her writing characteristics and overall the idea of what it means to be a family.
This is my Me Magazine for English 1.