Owen Munkelwitz Public Feed
Q2 Notebook
My notebook for Quarter 2 has helped me to sort many of my ideas. In my notebook, I made sure to utilize icons, boxes, and underlines to help pick out and summarize topics. In the future, I would like to color code my notes and develop the habit of always having my notebook out.
Q1 Notebook
My notebook encouraged me to jot down my thoughts, which prompted me to ask myself new questions and participate more actively in group/class discussions. Over the progression of the quarter, I’ve greatly advanced my note-taking skills. However, in the future, I would like to include more symbols and colors.
Twin Reflection
This story is about twin brothers.
I was inspired by how much dramatic irony and plot twists created the rollercoaster of emotions of Far from the Tree. I loved and really took to heart, how you can express so much in so little and introduce it as the story progressed.
Owen's Booklet
This is my first project in English class. I hope you enjoy my Me Magazine!