Jacob Rivera Capstone
This capstone was definitely interesting, especially since this is my first and only year in Science Leadedership Academy. At first, I just wanted to make a website, however I couldn't come up with the content that would be on it. Eventually, I thought about something I been wanting to start up. Being that I'm a self proclaimed sneakerhead, and I have been wanting to make customs, I decided to keep the website idea, except use it to display the main piece of the project, the custom pair of shoes. The main goal of this project was to take an everyday item that all of us have, and use it to create bold statements and designs, giving the sneaker a deeper meaning and purpose than just stepping in shit. There was also lots of personal goals driving me to complete the capstone. I plan to make money thorugh passive income in the future, and the knowledge of creating a website is very important, especially for starting buisiness'. Sneaker customization has also been something I've been wanting to get into, so that alone motivated me to push through this project. Most of the time spent during the capstone was making the website and sketching ideas. It did get challenging at some points, especially coming up with ideas, but all I knew was that I wasn't going to make a played out Supreme custom. What I did to get an idea is set a theme that is very relevant to my life right now. I waa raised in Brooklyn, I've lived in Philly for almost a year now and I have been enjoying it. So I figured that showing love to both cities would be a great theme since it correlates with my life story. Click the link to view the website. Be sure to log into your SLA email to view the site. If you can't access it, two words: LOG IN. Click the link to view the website. Be sure to log into your SLA email to view the site. If you can't access it, two words: LOG IN. https://sites.google.com/scienceleadership.org/jlr-capstone/home?authuser=1