Don’t Keep Calm, Animals are Being Hurt
Hello! I am Sarah Son and I am a freshmen at Science Leadership Academy. In our English class, we were assigned a project that requires us to choose a specific topic that pulls our interest. I chose animal cruelty for my topic. This topic really stood out to me and spoke to me because I have a connection to this and I think that it is an interesting topic to research. Animals do not have voices, we should speak up for them so that we can make a change and help them since they can’t always defend themselves. The change may be small, but it will mean a lot. I want more people to help and be more aware of this problem!
While doing this research, I learned a lot from these sources. It makes me think harder about what kind of world we live in and it is sad that things like this, animal cruelty, happens every single day. I learned that animal abusers do not even realise that what they are doing is terrible and it is causing pain to animals and people. I also found out that animal abusers are, “five times likely to commit violent crimes against people,” according to this. I hope to figure out what goes inside of an animal abuser’s mind. Why are they doing that? I am hoping to learn more as we go on! Let's make a change.