ILP Reflection
ILP Date: 10/10/14
Today we worked on a clinical study with a patient named Ian. He was around his early 70’s and suffered from a stroke 4 months ago. My instructor, Nick, ran a test that involved a wooden box that had different colored cube blocks. The box was divided into two sections. Ian had to move as many blocks as he could from one side to the other with his left hand (since his stroke happened on the right side of his brain, his left side is affected by it) under one a minute. Being a stroke survivor, Ian completed all his tests very well, and seemed to have no difficulties while doing them. Then, a nurse practitioner came in and tested Ian’s physical abilities and performed brain exercises. She tested his flexibility in both arms, hands, shoulders, and fingers. She then played memory games with him where he had to try to remember words that she said or recite the date and his name. I learned a lot from this experience and cannot wait to continue participating in this research study.