Statistics - Miles Public Feed
Statistics Benchmark Post #3
1. Group members present: Kaitlin, Mike, Heather, Andrew
2. Our club discussed chapters 7, 8, 9, and 10.
3. We discussed it by passing chapters back and forth, then commenting on each chapter independently.
4. There were no points of conflict.
5. Our questions: None.
This book was great! I found that it was extremely relatable even thought it was written so long ago. The pictures helped with the understanding of the book, and the examples were great.
2. Our club discussed chapters 7, 8, 9, and 10.
3. We discussed it by passing chapters back and forth, then commenting on each chapter independently.
4. There were no points of conflict.
5. Our questions: None.
This book was great! I found that it was extremely relatable even thought it was written so long ago. The pictures helped with the understanding of the book, and the examples were great.
"The Big One" - Team Voldemort, Final Podcast
Group members present: Manna, Marley, & Stephen
"In the End..." - Team Voldemort, Podcast #3
Group Members Present: Stephen, Manna, Marley
Topics Discussed: Opinions on the book, SLA-style reflection
Specifics: What we liked/didn't like about the book, how the book could have been better, other comments on the book
Questions: How would the book be different if it was written in the 2000's?
Topics Discussed: Opinions on the book, SLA-style reflection
Specifics: What we liked/didn't like about the book, how the book could have been better, other comments on the book
Questions: How would the book be different if it was written in the 2000's?
Podcast Number 2 ( 3 minute )
Our second 3 minute podcast.
Powerpuff Girls ft Mojo Final Product
Members included in these recordings:
Arlana Brown
Loren Jenkins
Jakobi Howard Martin
Kenisha Hood
How To Lie With Statistics
Arlana Brown
Loren Jenkins
Jakobi Howard Martin
Kenisha Hood
How To Lie With Statistics
PowerPuff Girls ft MoJo Podcast #3
Members Present:
Loren Jenkins
Arlana Brown
How you discussed it?
Answered your questions first
Stated our opinion on our favorite chapters and parts of the book.
Any conflict?
No, we agreed on everything.
Questions that came up because of our discussion?
-Why did we pick certain parts of the book as our favorite.
Loren Jenkins
Arlana Brown
How you discussed it?
Answered your questions first
Stated our opinion on our favorite chapters and parts of the book.
Any conflict?
No, we agreed on everything.
Questions that came up because of our discussion?
-Why did we pick certain parts of the book as our favorite.
Kaitlin, Andrew, Heather, and Michael
1. Group members present: Kaitlin, Mike, Heather, Andrew
2. Our club discussed chapter 4, 5, and 6.
3. We discussed it by passing chapters back and forth, then commenting on each chapter independently.
4. There were no points of conflict, however, Michael was confused on the actual ranges of IQs that are realistic.
5. Our questions: Why didn't they combine chapters 5+6?
2. Our club discussed chapter 4, 5, and 6.
3. We discussed it by passing chapters back and forth, then commenting on each chapter independently.
4. There were no points of conflict, however, Michael was confused on the actual ranges of IQs that are realistic.
5. Our questions: Why didn't they combine chapters 5+6?
Yasmeen And charles Second podcast
Yasmeen, Charles podcast
- Term
- 2012-13