World of 100 Analysis

The World of 100 analysis was an assignment given to us that required us to imagine the world as if only 100 people populated it. For the assignment we had to look at critical global issues and distribute the weight of "how much" and "how many" with our numbers only being able to add up to 100. In many of my graphs, when compared to the actual answers, my predictions are far off. In my education chart I was way off. I was so off because in my mind I believe that in almost any place that isn't Europe or America, women aren't treated equally. My view on women all around the world is a bit biased and by looking at the correct answers to this assignment, my eyes have been opened. The one graph I did get right was my language graph. I predicted that the amount of people who would speak English would be about 5 and I was correct. 
I think that the most accurate category is Literacy. People are pushing for education for all and it's taking a good toll on our world. The number of males who are able to read and write is only 9 more than the number of females who are able to read and write. This is also the most shocking because I can remember reading about a time where women weren't even allowed to go to school. The whole assignment was very interesting.

Here are my graphs comparing my predictions to that of my classmates and the correct answers. They are as follows: Education, Language & Drinking Water

Education Chart
Education Chart
Language Chart
Language Chart
Water Chart
Water Chart
