2. Ms. Dunn is my mentor. I thought about how I loved the way Ms. Dunn carried herself as a female figure. I felt as though she was a great person to mentor me, since my capstone was all about the way young ladies present themselves to others.
3.The objective of my project was to create a girls mentorship program that creates a sisterhood through mentorship and interaction.
4. For my capstone, I create a girls mentorship program. This program was called Etiqué and it created a sisterhood through mentorship and interaction. Every friday I met with six, of Science Leadership Academy’s eleventh grade girls. Throughout the process I learned many things about not only myself but every one of the girls as well. I learned that as a person helping, and supporting people is my passion. I am a person who loves to leads other people to the best possible lifestyle for themselves as well support them through their worst. The most important thing that the girls helped me learn about others is that there will be setbacks in life times when you may feel unappreciated, or discouraged but when you need people the most, those who impact you positively in life, will always be there there to help you over the obstacles. My final product will act as a timeline of how the girls and I have become women and how we have created a better female environment in Science Leadership Academy. It will also display the sisterhood we have created with one another.
Once we realized that we wanted to make our campaign something that teens would want to mimic we decided to make our campaign something catchy and rememberable. Since our target audience were teenagers we looked for the things and places that teens get most of their inspiration from. Our result was the internet, we realized that most of the new teen related trends had been developed through social networks like Youtube and Facebook. With this result we decided to make a video that came of as encouraging to stop violence.
After we developed our plan we created a video that looked cool and also was attention grabbing to teens. We prevented the approach of of coming off as if we were preaching to the teens by including other teens in the video just speaking about situations they thought were not acceptable to use violence in. Once we had a video that people thought was good we decided that it was time to put our campaign to test. We promoted our campaign throughout the school and on social networks. We received lots of feed back and some teens even pledged not to endure in violence for reasons other than self defense.This positive feed back showed us that our campaign was effective and that it made a change maybe big or small but it still made a change. This project was a very eye opening project.
“Hello class, My name
is Mr. Block and this year I will be your teacher for English and world
history” it all started with what I thought was just a simple introduction to
what would be my 10th grade English class that turned out to be a long journey
of lessons and learning’s. I never expected to learn so many things about
myself in others through this journey I called my 10th grade English adventure.
The lessons and learning’s that I gained were all developed from the
activities and observations that I participated in. This year I took a lot more
time observing other than I expected to.
When you take the time out to observe you
create hope to open up doors to new ideas. This was one of the things that I
realized by sitting back and observing. In my 10th grade English
class we engaged in an Art In the Open Activity, which is a festival that takes
place throughout the city of Philadelphia. During this festival many people
perform art throughout the city. During this art my teacher said “Today were going to starting
our Art in the open project and soon you will be creating art in the open piece
of your own.” The day that my English teacher introduced this project to us we
took a journey to an Armory near our school. While we were at the armory we
were instructed to pick a spot and observe everything about this spot and I did
as I was told. I observed my surroundings which went from the noise that the
hard metal hummer made when I tapped on it to the way that I could use my body
as a way to tell the story that this hummer could not tell it self. “I told the
story of the trouble some ride that this hummer had taken through the middle of
the hotel Rwandan battle. Bodies thrown on the back like potatoes sack. People
dying and the driver driving the hummer carelessly because he had seen endless
deaths that he could not do anything about.”
Later on we did and activity similar
where I had observed another and based the story I wanted to tell a story with
my body basing my story off of the story they were telling with their body.
This is a
snapshot of me (in the orange sweater) and my classmates observing one
another to open our minds up so that we
could eventually create our Art In the Open pieces. After we had presented our entire art in the open project I
was instructed to do a reflection on what I had learned and observed when I did
this reflection I realized that It made me open up to a side off me that I knew
was there but I never let anyone else know about. “ I learned
throughout this process that is very viable to me is how much I miss dancing
this made me think about how I should not forget about doing what I love when I
have spare time.” No only have I learned something me
loving to dance I realized how much my self and others enjoyed writing poetry.
We were given a poetry unit where we were instructed to write a nice
amount of poetry and post them on a poetry wiki inspired by the inspiration of
my observations I wrote in my I was inspired by poem. “I was inspired by dance
emotional dancing.
Producing my emotions through the stroke fingers. Dance was something your never take from me.” These lines were produced out of passion that later on told
me that I was a good at poetry and I could open up a way to a new type of art.
I learned things about my self by setting back and observing
others and myself. Once I was proud of what I had produced it was time to
publicize it. Now that I was confident that I could step outside of my
boundaries I was sure that if I was going to make my work public it had to be
close to perfect. If your work was going to be public then you had to make it
your best and this is what I learned through observing others and myself.
Making our work accessible to the public always makes you work at your best.
Throughout this process of the year we were asked to post our work on wiki’s,
blogs and forums. On piece of work that I made public was my poetry wiki and
many of my poems were my best work. “I will raise
you confidently.
Teach you how to hold you head high.” This was a line
from my poetry wiki I created a poem about my future child it was called My
baby angle by putting many emotions into one poem about something that I never
experienced but yet it was my best work. No matter If we were writing about
something we knew or didn’t to, to an author or a family member we always made
sure that it was our best work if it would be public.
“I am honored to be
reading your book especially at this time in my life. Your book really caught
my attention when I began reading it, not only because of the beauty of your
writing but also because I recently found out that my grandfather is Haitian.” Something a had written in a letter to an author
giving her my best work not only because I could compare to her but because she
deserved to see it just like everyone else who would see it when it became
public. Making work public not only made us work harder but seeing a final
product that we could be proud of made us feel better.
Through the hard work and the lessons and learning’s
the best part of this year was being able to be proud of your finish product.
That’s what made this year an adventure being able to work as hard as you could
on something even though you hated the assignment given to you. We were always
able to be proud of our work in the end because of the support of our 10th
grade teacher who provided us with adventures and projects we might never get
the opportunity experience ever again. That’s what mad 10thent grade year so
special, the ability to experience things and be confident about your work.
The single mother takes action.
{As she gets up form her front seat and steps up to the microphone}
I am Bon Qui Qui a loving single mother of four. I want to voice my opinion on the TransCanada XL Pipeline. {She says while picking up the paper with her speech written on it.
I think this is very important factor that could change my children’s lives and me in both positive and negative ways. I would 1st like to thank my state representative for picking me as one of the people to speak at this meeting. She grips the microphone as if she was nervous and then says
“ I Love my Children” but I also would love for them to have a better future. This is a plan that is proven to provide many more jobs, but the jobs aren't safe working around air-born chemicals eight hours or more a day. Also it is not safe because if the XL pipeline were to break, crack, or get a leak there may be chemicals that could endanger the workers. This is where loving my kid’s come into factor. Since the love I have for my kids is the thing I put first she says as she releases her tightened grip on the microphone and smiled. I love my kids and this what makes me both for and against the TransCanada XL pipeline the life of my children could be put into danger if the chemicals were to be spilled out or leaked into our water resources which can be dangerous for my children to drink. If this does happen to the faucet water the there would be no other way for me to provide water for my children since I am already unemployed and bottle water is to expensive to fit into my budget.
Put two things that are important to me in life hand and hand I’m not quite sure if I’m for it or against it because I want to best possible future for my children and I would love to get them the things the want when they want it, which consists of getting a good enough job. Also I would love to give my children as much safety as possible and the TransCanada XL Pipeline is not guaranteed to be safe. So with that said I think it should be held off until it is completely safe. She stoops toward the microphone and says “Thank You”. Then walks off while being applauded.
Shanayia Roland
Copper Stream
Making a good end of career reputation.
Hello, everyone and Welcome to the TransCanada XL Pipeline meeting. I am Ed Stelmach and you all know me as the Political Leader of Alberta Canada. Today I will be addressing my views on the XL pipeline. He puts his paper on the podium.
I will be backing down from office on October 1st and my decision is to go with the XL Pipeline. I would support the TransCanada pipeline because Alberta Canada is such a beautiful and natural place and with the XL pipeline being a provider of natural oil that will make our economy better I think this was a very brilliant plan. He Picks up his paper and begins to read the viewpoints of his speech.
Alberta Canada will be very lucky if this plan goes through because it will bring many tourist, many allies and, many other countries to rely on our natural resources. This will provide Canada with help if we ever need it and a bundle of money coming from different things. This also will not take up as many resources as it will be producing. This wont be using as many resources because after the needed resources are used once they are reused. An example of this is the water that the XL pipeline uses, once it is used once it is used continuously for the rest of the process. He flips his page and begins to look over it as if decided not to say everything he had written.
I want the best for my citizens and I would like to lift the burdens of poverty, a failing economy, and higher taxes. I would like for them to have things like better education, easier living styles, and less of a stress form working tremendously hard every workday for their families. This is the opinion that I have and after being in office like I was it might make you have the same opinion because this seems to be the turning point for us. I know that my opinion counts because every opinion counts but mine will change minds, decisions, and life styles. Hopefully the next person in office see’s it the way I do. Thank you for attending and caring enough to listen. He grabs his papers, folds them and leaves the stage.
Feed back
+Stage direction
+Conflict and confusion
+Passion and caring.
? Revision?
? Repetition?
? More thankful in the beginning and?
Losing a Father
Oct 16, 2015
{She sat at the kitchen table and wrote}
Dear Ed Stelmach and President Obama
I am Shanayia Roland and I am a United States citizen. I don’t know much about the Canadian government but I know enough about the US government to address my opinion on the TransCanada pipeline leak. I am a 12-year-old girl living in Montana and my father was one of the 5500 people who took the job, but was also 1out of the 500 people died while working. I would like to address the leaks in the TransCanada XL Pipeline. She fiddles with the work jumpsuit that she holds in he hand, she smells it and then begins to speak as she writes:
I guess this is what failure and lost lives smell like, that would be the smell of tar sands. The tar sands smell stuck in my fathers work jumpsuit as I hold it in my arms and mourn about my father’s death. I don’t blame you guys for the failures of the XL pipeline I just blame you for not making sure that this plan was safe before you guys did it for the better economy purposes. The economy was not worth 500 lives lost because of the leaks in the XL pipeline. Also 7 billion dollars was put into the pipeline that is now wasted because of the leaks. Now my mom and me are trying to save as best we can on water because faucet water isn’t safe. Tears from her eyes failing onto his jacket as she writes more:
We struggle with out my father he supplied our income, now my mother will have to find two jobs which will be even harder to find now because there will be a rescission even bigger there the one in 2011.
I thank you guys because you are both leaders but my fathers gone and I’ll never get him back. It’s as his life is as important to me as the economy is to you. As he sat stuck under slowly running out of air the economy slowly become the worse it ever was before. It was like two hearts failing at once. She hugs the jumpsuits tight as if it were her last hug to him, tears we’re pouring down her face she finished by writing:
I don’t know if you’ll read this but my voice is little now but it will get bigger. In loving memory of Percy Roland. Sincerely,
Shanayia Roland 10/16/2015
Shanayia Roland
Copper stream
I went in to my hot pink room that looked as if there was a bottle of pepto bizmol thrown the wall. I said to my older sister “What’s the plans for the day?” the room fell silent you could almost hear a pen drop even though we had carpet. Her eyes began to water a little her face began to look puppy dog, and she chuckled and said “we’re moving” with a half smiling half crying face as if she had just saw the funniest thing in the world. I began to historically laugh, and I said “ha ha Happy New year to you to, Now we both know we're not moving anywhere why would you joke like that.” After living in South Philadelphia for three years we were pretty content and I was pretty sure that moving was out of the question for at least another year or two. Her face fell serious, as serious as if someone and the family had died, she hesitantly said “ I’m not joking now get dressed and help us move dad’s stuff out.” My heart dropped and felt as if it had fallen on the floor and broken. My eyes began to tear or more like waterfall my parent had been together for 19 years and married for two a little break up could possibly turn into a big deal. Also I knew that if they were to separate I would have to choose a parent to stay with so, I because an emotional wreck.
Later on that day after I had gotten dressed I went down stairs into my living room squeezed pass the big black trash bags that my mother packed his stuff in, and I looked at there picture hanging on the wall beside the staircase, taking up the width of three panels, the light brown frame surrounding the black inside of the frame. Their picture perfect smiles shining brightly like joy was in the air. Sunlight beaming through the tree’s that filled the plain behind them. His brown skin looked smooth with his black hair. Her white dress brought out the lighter color in her skin, and the darker color in his. Her skin glowed and made her pearl white dress create the Cinderella and Prince Charming beginning to their marriage.
This picture stuck in my mind from the day we moved him out until the third week, and fifth day after when moved him back in. I guess that picture remained there through it all to show that no matter what they’ll both still be there for each other. Whenever they’re having trouble I think about the picture, or even back to the day that it was taken.
“Wake up girl its your big day” My aunt says to my mom on this bright but rainy day in July. My mother woke up and climbed out of bed with a bonnet on her head, with sleepy eyes, hot morning breath but still a huge smile. Her hair was freshly done, nicely rapped into a bun she had just gone to the hairdressers the night before. She went down the stairs to see all of her flower girls, bridesmaids, maid of honors, and matron of honors waiting to welcome her to the breakfast table with big beautiful smiles. We sat from oldest to youngest at the table starting with the oldest on her side. Her seat at the table was decorated with congratulations ribbons and white rose petals to make her day turn out beautiful. My aunt opened the window shutters to the big front window to let the little bit of light in form the rainy day. We ate a little bit just enough to hold us over because we were tight with time. Eleven girls needed to be dressed and ready to go within the next couple of hours.
She began to get dressed but with 10 other women running around the house like wild chickens with there heads off, there was no chance of us being on time. She looked out the huge bedroom window that had white shutters covering them to see where the tiny gray Toyota was parked so that she could go get her nails and toes done. Just then she realized that it was nowhere in sight after talking to my dad in a tone of panic she found out that he had taken the car. She slipped on the cream wedding dress that was laced with beads. My aunt went to zip up the back of the dress and there was a ripping noise, and weird feeling in the room that made us know that something happened. My aunts face feel blank and with the zipper in her hand began to apologize like there was a death in the room. From that point on the day was filled with horror around every Conner. This became a nightmare wedding; it had no effect on their marriage or the way that our family looked at them as husband and wife.
It takes rainy days and obstacles in order for people to be come stronger and more prepared. It took my parents a horrible wedding day and many fights and arguments to just except the fact that there will be tests in life to show you how strong you are, and how strong you become. So when there’s a rainy day be happy be because that means some strengths and things to learn from coming with them. Some times you just have to enjoy life and its ups and downs just to enjoy life. When there’s a rainy day opened the window shutters to let the little bit of light in that you can make out of it. If you don’t have the strength to find the little bit of little then look to the people around you because there is always a group of people who wont judge you no matter what. Enjoy life by enjoying the most enjoyable and not so enjoyable days.
I went in to my hot pink room that looked as if we took a bottle of pepto bizmol an threw it on the wall. I said to my older sister “Whats the plans for the day?” the room fell silent you could almost hear a pen drop even though we had carpet. Her eyes began to water a little and she chuckled and said “we’re moving” with a half smiling half crying face as if she had just saw the funniest thing in the world. I began to historically laugh and i said “ha ha Happy New year to you to, Now we both know we're not moving anywhere why would you joke like that.” After living in South Philadelphia for three years we were pretty content and i was pretty sure that moving was out of the question for at least another year or two. Her face fell serious and she hesitantly said “ I’m not joking now get dressed and help us move dad’s stuff out.” My heart dropped and felt as if it had fallen on the floor and broken. My eyes began to tear or more like waterfall.
Later on that day after I had gotten dressed I went down stairs into my living room squeezed pass the bags and i looked at there picture Hanging on the wall beside the staircase, taking up the width of three panels, the light brown frame surrounding the black inside of the frame. Their picture perfect smiles shining brightly like joy was in the air. Sunlight beaming through the tree’s that filled the plain behind them. His brown skin looked smooth with his black hair. Her white dress brought out the lighter color in her skin, and the darker color in his. Her skin glowed and made her pearl white dress create the Cinderella and Prince Charming beginning to their marriage.
This picture stuck in my mind from the day we moved him out until the third week, and fifth day after when moved him back in. I guess that picture remained there through it all to show that no matter what they’ll both still be there for each other. Whenever their having trouble I think about the picture, or even back to the day that it was taken.
“Wake up girl its your big day” My aunt says to my mom on this bright but rainy day in July. My mother woke up and climb out of bed with a bonnet on her head making her look as if she was a cone head. Her hair was freshly done, nicely rapped into a bun she had just gone to the hair dressers the night before. She went down the stairs to see all of her flower girls, bridesmaids,maid of honors, and matron of honors waiting to welcome her to the breakfast table with big beautiful smiles. We sat from oldest to youngest at the table starting with the oldest on her side. Her seat at the table was decorated with congratulations ribbons and white rose petals to make her day turn out beautiful. My aunt opened the window shutters to the big front window to let the little bit of light in form the rainy day. We ate a little bit just enough to hold us over because we were tight with time. Eleven girls needed to be dressed and ready to go within the next couple of hours.
She began to get dressed but with 10 other women running around the house like wild chickens with there heads off, there was no chance of us being on time. She looked out the huge bedroom window that had white shutters covering them to see where the tiny gray Toyota was parked so that she could go get her nails and toes done. Just then she realized that it was no where in sight after talking to my day in a tone of panic she found out that he had taken the car. She slipped on the cream wedding dress that was laced with beads. My aunt went to zip up the back of the dress and there was a ripping noise, and weird feeling in the room that made us know that something happened. My aunts face feel blank and with the zipper in her hand began to apologize like there was a death in the room. From that point on the day was filled with horror around every Conner. This became a nightmare wedding, it had no effect on there marriage or the way that our family looked at them as husband and wife.
It takes rainy days and obstacles in order for people to be come stronger and more prepared. It took my parents a horrible wedding day and many fights and arguments to just except the fact that there will be tests in life to show you how strong you are, and how strong you become.So when there’s a rainy day be happy be because that means some strengths and things to learn from coming with them.