This video alone without the essay is amazing and very heartfelt. I teared up wipes tear okay but I learned a lot about how you feel about your adoption and how you have many questions revolving around what would have happened if you had never gotten adopted. Also, you used a caged bird as a metaphor for yourself which is awesome. I think both of your techniques were used in a very good way. Kudos to you keep it up this is awesome.
I thought your video was very moving, everything from the pictures to the words to the music invoked so much emotion. I am glad you shared this and gave me insight to your past and your feelings. You used your techniques well
I like how honest you stayed and showing many different pictures throughout the video. The repetition helped with the emotions the reader feels when reading the text and seeing the pictures of a young baby.
I felt that your video is very strong and powerful it immediately causes an impact on the audience and draws them in. I learned more information about their adoption and how they personally feel about it. Their techniques did work they also made the video and or story more powerful and strong. Repetition allowed certain phrases and words to stick to the audience.
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