Aaron Tang's Capstone

The purpose of this capstone was to improve on my photography skills by taking pictures of students at Science Leadership Academy. Since the school does not have any memories of students, I did a handful of photo shoots. A small section of the wall has pictures of scenarios which are located by the door on the far right.  After each session of taking pictures of my clients, I learned how to use Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5 for enhancing the quality of each of the photos I selected. Students that signed up for my photography project, each of them were asked to print their pictures.

The past few months was hectic because I was in a tight budget; I decided to  collaborate with a senior, My Truong, so we could work together. We decided to fundraise. The process in creating an art gallery was a lot of work for one person so we combined our work to have a master piece. At the end, we had enough money to buy  our supplies; frames, strings, paint, printed pictures and many more. We wanted to be more creative. We decided to have a string on top of the ceiling to hang frames and pictures. We noticed that we can transform part of the school into a place where visitors, students, families of SLA and teachers to look at the diversity of SLA, therefore people can have their own interpretation of the photos. Luckily, we have an amazing photographer that does portraits and we printed some of her portraits she took. We credited to the students that volunteered our station and it is located on the black ribbon.

After graduating this school, I really want the future graduates to add more pictures. My capstone is a first step to show new photographers to display their work in a meaningful and creative way.

Link for photos I took.

Link for Annotated Bibliography.

Here are the pictures from before and after.
