Aaron Tang Public Feed
Aaron Tang's Capstone
The purpose of this capstone was to improve on my photography skills by taking pictures of students at Science Leadership Academy. Since the school does not have any memories of students, I did a handful of photo shoots. A small section of the wall has pictures of scenarios which are located by the door on the far right. After each session of taking pictures of my clients, I learned how to use Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5 for enhancing the quality of each of the photos I selected. Students that signed up for my photography project, each of them were asked to print their pictures.
The past few months was hectic because I was in a tight budget; I decided to collaborate with a senior, My Truong, so we could work together. We decided to fundraise. The process in creating an art gallery was a lot of work for one person so we combined our work to have a master piece. At the end, we had enough money to buy our supplies; frames, strings, paint, printed pictures and many more. We wanted to be more creative. We decided to have a string on top of the ceiling to hang frames and pictures. We noticed that we can transform part of the school into a place where visitors, students, families of SLA and teachers to look at the diversity of SLA, therefore people can have their own interpretation of the photos. Luckily, we have an amazing photographer that does portraits and we printed some of her portraits she took. We credited to the students that volunteered our station and it is located on the black ribbon.
After graduating this school, I really want the future graduates to add more pictures. My capstone is a first step to show new photographers to display their work in a meaningful and creative way.
For 4-5 people. For more people, double the ingredients.
-1 table spoon of salt
-2 eggs
-3 cups of rice
- 2/4 vegetable oil
- 2/3 soy sauce
- shredded chicken, beef or pork
- water
- 2 cilantro
1). Pour rice on a rice cooker and make sure it is flat. (If you do not have a rice cooker, then use a pot).
2). Put water in the ricer cooker (fill water about 2 cm above the rice).
3). Wait about 15 minutes until the rice is fully cook (If using pot, stir it frequently).
4). Cut the 2 cilantros into tiny pieces
5). Pour vegetable oil to the pan (make sure the oil is evenly spread) and wait for a minute to heat up the oil.
6). Put the meat in the pan (If you're a vegetarian, you can skip step 5 and 6).
7). Stir for 2 minutes
8). Put all the rice onto the pan along with the salt
9). Gradually stir for 5 minutes
10). Eggs on the pan while stir it around
11). Pour the soy sauce, add cilantros and stir, so all the rice can be golden brown.
12). Enjoy your Fried Rice!
I feel like this particular food is a lot healthier than deep fried food because the food contains a lot of proteins and carbs. Since fried rice is an asian culture, people have different styles to make it. You can either add spice or adding any type of meat. Besides soy sauce, oil and white rice are processed, this type of food has couple natural ingredients. Fried rice is very easy to make, and any one can make this at home. If you are a vegetarian, you can simply still make this dish. Either way, our body needs salt, oil, carbs and proteins. If you eat this everyday, try to not eat a lot of carbs because eating a lot of carbs. Carbs will actually make you become obese since you are not going to eat other stuff from the food pyramid. To make it healthier, you can try it with brown rice! Brown rice will make the body resist on this.
Fried rice originated from Asia and most countries in Asia have a unique style of making their own fried rice. Generally you will need rice, and eggs to have fried rice. Rice is the base food from Asia. Rice can be grown all year round as long it has a wetland and people will have to pick the rice. once it is pollinate. Immigrants came to America and started to embrace their culture by making this type of food.
It is always cheap to cook at home. Generally the ingredients cost about $5 or less and when you go outside to buy it from a restaurant, it will cost about $10. Fast food will always be cheaper and it depends what you get. Since fast food places do have meals that include with a drink, some people would prefer the unhealthy food than fried rice. Fast food joints tend to be everywhere than healthier food, so people would drive there. Chinese Restaurants will always have fried rice and if people want Chinese food, just go there and order it or go home to cook the food.
In Asia, people will like to add anything to their fried rice. There are so many different styles and different families make it differently. Rice can be process differently because at the super market there are many different colors. Rice is have different forms and sizes which makes it harder for buyers to really know what type of rice they can use to make fried rice. It is personal reference what rice you like to eat. Meat can range from couple companies in the United States. Each company process their meat differently, and it depends what kind of food the animals eat.
Q3 Reflection #2
Aaron Tang
Q3 #2
Ms. Manuel
Word Count: 200
En Las Vegas, una mujer fue tienda de animales. En las cámaras, ella incendiando la tienda con veinte y siete cachorros. Ella fue la cárcel en viernes. La mujer fue al juez. El juez dijo ella tiene que pagar miles de treinta y un mil trescientos miles. La articulo dijo “ penales incluyen condenas por delitos graves y delitos menores que incluyeron una escapada de 2001 en California.” En historia, ella rompió las reglas. Ella mató animales y los cachorros no hicieron nada. Los bomberos rescataron algunos los cachorros. La tienda es nombre “ Prince and Princess.” Ella su nombre es Lee y su abogado va a ayudar.
Siempre quise un cachorros porque me gusta animales. Yo solía tener dos gatos, peces y tortugas. Mi madre no le gusta gatos y nosotros tenemos que dar a la buscura. Otros animales murieron. Toda a mi familia tiene un cachorros o peces. Mi tia tienes dos perros y tienen los cachorros cinco veces. Mi tía tenía veinte y dos cachorros! Yo quiero un Yorkie o German Shepherd. German Shepherd ladra mucha y sé que cuando hay peligro. Hay muchos animales en el fugio y las personas no deben comprar, pero ellos adopta un animale.
"Arrestan a Mujer Por Incendiar Tienda De Animales." El Nuevo Dia. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Feb. 2014. <http://www.elnuevodia.com/arrestanamujerporincendiartiendadeanimales-1706992.html>.
Q3 Reflection #1
Aaron Tang
Q3 #1
Ms. Manuel
Word Count: 204
La compañía ‘Restaurant Opportunity Center United,’(ROC) escribó “National Diner’ y cómo la comida era cocinera. En el libro, es que hablaba de empleados trabajan y tienen un lugar increíble en la ciudad. Mexican taqueria El Fuego es en 723 Walnut St y el restaurante es el mejor lugar de trabajo para ROC. Algunos de los trabajos es horrible porque los personas les pagan nieve dólares y ellos no punta. Pete dijo las personas trabajan en el restaurante, ellos son estudiantes del colegio, y solo de el padre. También, él dijo a veces él puede trabaja cuando esté es enfermo. Los restaurantes están cambiando las reglas.
Yo pienso, las personas que trabajan en el restaurante deberían tener consejos y dinero por hora. Dos amigos trabajan y ellos son meseros. Ellos reciben dinero y ellos no tienen impuestos. En el cuidad, yo sé clientes darán muchas puntas. Mi madre es un mesera y ella tiene que trabajar mucho. Los estudiantes trabajan en un el restaurante para primero trabajo. Mi madre trabaja en el ciudad y gente de empresa. Ellos que ir porque esta cerca. Mis amigos pagan nieve dólares y recibir consejos. A veces, las personas trabajan en el restaurante no consigue mucho dinero.
"Latino News and Opinion." 'EL Mejor Restaurante Para Trabajar' - . N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Feb. 2014. <http://www.pontealdia.com/philadelphia/el-mejor-restaurante-para-trabajar.html>.
Aaron Tang
Q2 #7
Emily tiene diez años. Ella tiene curando de la lepra y vive de Recife de Brasil. La organización fue a cuarenta y dos escuelas, diez y seis miles niños y setenta miles familias. Una mujer habló de enfermedades. Ellos se celebra Diá Mundial de la lepra en veinte y seis de enero. Muchas personas tienen lepra en África y China donde hay ciento ochenta y dos miles . En dos mil dos, hay dos ciento y diez miles las personas tienen lepra en Brasil, India y otra compos.
Miré un programa en canal de la historia y ellos fueron a Asia. Hay fotos y vídeos. Yo pienso es desagradable porque son círculos. Vi a un hombre con lepra en la cara. No sé donde lepra vino, pero la doctoras deben ayudar los enfermos. Lepra dañe la piel y es fea. Lepra fue encontrado muchos siglos. Hiv es en Lepra. Las bacterias comen la piel y ellos crecen. Voy a feliz Estados Unidos no tienen la enfermedad.
En la foto, hay puntos blancos. Mi tía es una doctor y ella ayuda enfermos y yo siempre llamo en el telefono y haga preguntas. Yo quiero hacer un doctor porque puedo ayudar otras. Me gusta estudiar ciencias y salud. Luego, yo puedo ayudar mi familia.
Word Count: 211
"Lepra, La Lucha Contra Una Enfermedad Olvidada." EL PAÍS. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Jan. 2014. <http://elpais.com/elpais/2014/01/23/planeta_futuro/1390506259_941223.html>.
Aaron Tang
Q2 #6
Los niños duermen tarde a las dos de la mañana. Ellos leen las noticias en facebook. La sicóloga clínica habló a los adultos sobre sus sueños. Los adultos tienen mucho trabajo porque cuidan de la familia. En el artículo dijo “entre ellas: concentración, memoria, creatividad y tolerancia, por mencionar algunas.” La gente tiene mucha tensión. Las personas no saben cómo dormir pero es difícil. Hay algunas ideas que ayuden. Las personas pueden escuchar música, leer un libro o tomar un baño. Ellos deben apagar el teléfono y trabajan de algo.
No me gusta insomnia porque yo tengo escuela al día proximo. Yo voy a dormir temprano, pero yo juego videojuegos. También, yo tengo mucho tarea. No puedo dormir temprano porque es difícil dormir en diez de la noche. Yo pienso Los estudiantes duermen hasta tarde porque no hacen tarea. Yo uso instagram y snapchat. Cuando voy a dormir, escuchar música en Pandora. Mi familia támbien pueden dormir tarde. Al día, yo quiero dormir en clase, pero yo tengo mucho trabajo. Los fines de semana, voy a dormir durante doce horas. Voy a casa a las siete de la noche. Yo como la cena y luego hacer mi tarea. Tengo que dormir temprano y tengo que hacer mi tarea.
Word Counts: 208
Esperan recolectar sobre 100 toneladas de material reciclable en la SanSe
Entidades privadas y grupos preocupados estaban con el eterno. Las tradicionales fiestas sanjuaneras sirvan para reciclaje. Noelia Rosa dijo ella trabajó por Sanse Recicla en two años y ella trabajó con otros organizaciones (Scuba Dogs, Caño Martín Peña Recicla). Ellos se espera la visita 500,000 personas ofrecer. Año pasado, hay 250,000 personas. El plan consiste en reducir donde las personas pueden visitar la fiesta. Hay 22 estaciones de reciclaje y hay 250 voluntarios en San Juan. Ellos aceptan vidrio, aluminio, plástico y cartón. La compañía tiene 3,000 botes de basura. En facebook,“Basura Cero” tiene información por 22 estaciones de reciclaje. Quieren 100 toneladas de material recliclable en el 2014. Las personas pueden ofrecer.
En SLA, pienso las estudiantes deben cuidar reciclaje de botellas y papel. Nosotros tenemos botes de basura de reciclaje, pero nosotros tiramos la comida. Pienso la escuela que la escuela debe hablar más de reciclaje porque nosotros tiene muchos papel. Ayuda a la tierra y a la comunidad. En mi vieja escuela, reciclamos mucho. Tomamos las botellas a un legar y ganamos 5 centavos. Mi vieja escuela también recogemos las tapas de gaseosa por Ronald Mc Donald. La gente en Filadelfia debe reciclar más y ellos no, ellos consiguen un boleto.
MUD Dispuesta a Participar En Debate Sobre Aumento De La Gasolina
Quarter 2
Ms. Manuel
La Mesa de la United Democrática quiere reunir la gasolina. Ellos piensa es hora de tener más dinero. En dos mil trece, apenas 1% para este año 53%. En dos mil doce de Octubre, más producción por 30%. Venezuela pasó 216 mil millones dólares de GDP. Otros precios serán caros; educación, seguridad social, infraestructura y para la superación de la pobreza. Quieren aumentar la producción de alimentos. Ellos van a tener una programa por tres mil las personas pobreza. Nacional de infraestructura para mejorar carreteras, autopistas, hospitales y escuelas. Ellos piensan el dinero ayuda la comunidad.
Yo pienso todo es caro porque el gobierno quiere más dinero por guerra y armas. A veces, ellos no promesa que ellos dicen. Quien la gasolina costaba más, la comida y la ropa va a costar más. Las personas trabajan y que no se hacen pagados mucho. También educación va a costar más y para las décadas pasadas, los personas son pobres. Hay mucho pobreza. En Estados Unidos, la gasolina es muy es caro y el dinero va a la guerra. Un poco de dinero va a escuela, pero la educación es horrible en la ciudad. En Filadelfia, hay treinta y dos estudiantes son en un clase. Yo no puedo aprender.
"MUD Dispuesta a Participar En Debate Sobre Aumento De La Gasolina." MUD Dispuesta a Participar En Debate Sobre Aumento De La Gasolina. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Dec. 2013. <http://www.el-nacional.com/politica/MUD-dispuesta-participar-aumento-gasolina_0_321568006.html>.
Snow Update! Kitsap. Picture. March 15th, 2009. Retrieved 12/15/13
La Enseñanza Del Español Aún Es Una Asignatura Pendiente En Brasil
Aaron Tang
Q2 #3
Hay doscientos veinte y cuatro Centros de Estudios de Lenguas. El gobierno quiere llevar los estudiantes a Inglaterra y Francia. En dos mil cinco (2005), expresidente Lula queriá que todas las escuelas tener Español. São Paulo tiene cinco mil escuelas y 4.5 millón estudiantes por doscientos veinte y cuatro centros. Araújo, ellos tiene Ingles y estudiantes quieren tener Español. Estudiantes con no CELS, ellos pueden aprender otros lenguas. En Rio Grande do Sul, ellos no tienen que aprender Inglés. El gobierno piensa estudiantes cree los estudiantes aprenden rápido en Español.
En SLA, nosotros tenemos Español. Yo quiero otros lenguas porque estudiantes pueden escoger. En mi vieja escuela, yo aprendí chino y es difícil. Español es fácil. Yo quiero aprender italiano y francés. En la universidad, voy a aprender Italiano. Cuando voy a Italia, yo puedo hablar con la gente. También, yo puedo hablar en Español quien yo voy a Brasil. Me gusta viajar y aprender sobre la cultura. Yo no sé francés o italiano y voy a London y Liverpool. Yo pienso escuelas deben tener diferente lenguas. Escuela no deben uno langua. Yo quiero ir CCP y toma un clase.
"La Enseñanza Del Español Aún Es Una Asignatura Pendiente En Brasil." EL PAÍS. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Dec. 2013. <http://internacional.elpais.com/
Nelson Mandela
Aaron Tang
Q2 Reflection #2
Nelson Mandela murió en cinco de Diciembre. El fue en su casa de Johannesburgo y él se hizo enfermo. El tenía noventa y cinco años. Mandela es popular en Sudáfrica y el dijo infección del pulmón. Luego, es peligroso en veinte y tres de Junio. Mandela era el primero presidente de negro. En Sudáfrica, el otro líder es Frederik de Klerk. Había una guerra civil por blancos y negros. Nelson Mandela era el primero presidente negro. Mandela fue es cárcel por veinte y siete años porque sus acciones.
Es triste cuando murió porque muchas personas les gusta. El es múy simpático! En Estados Unidos, President Obama es primero presidente de negro. Obama cambió nuestra historia. Yo pienso en Sudáfrica, gente recorda Mandela de acción. No me gusta President Bush porque el piensa en guerra. La economía ahora es mal. Este año, sabo muchos gente muere. Mandela es viejo y yo pienso es mejor. Mis amigos me dijeron en facebook y yo tuve que preguntar. Tambien, yo miré las noticias. Yo aprendí mucho de él. Nelson Mandela tiene educación y el es un abogado. I quiero gente en Sudáfrica votar.
Varela, Arturo. "Latino News and Opinion." Falleció Nelson Mandela - . N.p., 5 Dec. 2013. Web. 06 Dec. 2013. <http://www.pontealdia.com/estados-unidos/fallecio-nelson-mandela.html>.
Mexicanos y dominicanos, los más pobres entre latinos de NY
Aaron Tang
Reflection # 1 Quarter 2
Ms. Manuel
Los Mexicanos lograron reducir niveles de pobreza. Universidad de Nueva York (CUNY). En Nueva York, hay 32,6% en 1990 y 30.4% en dos mil once. Latinos están en la pobreza porque en dos mil siete, nosotros tenemos la crisis económica. Africanos Americanos son pobres y la segunda grupo fue son Mexicanos. El profesor de Laird Bergad enseña estudios los Latinos Americanos. El ingreso promedio en los hogares de Nueva York en 1990-2011. Hay muchos pobrezas de los Mexicanos en ciudad. El artículo dijo más Mexicanos no van a la escuela.
Aprendí en California, hay muchos Mexicanos y Latinos viven en So-California. Amigos de mi tia tiene tres hijos, su madre, su padre. Ellos tienen una casa pequeña con dos dormitorios y una patio. Los hijos dormían en una dormitorio con los abuelos. Yo estaba feliz de que son pobres porque ellos tienen una casa. Yo pienso familias en California, comida y cosas eran caras. El impuesto es 9.75%! Una familia con un padre, una madre y una niña pequeña ellos preguntaron por dinero. Estaba triste porque ello tenían hambre. Mi tía dijo ella no tiene dinero porque ella tiene que comprar comida por mi familia. Fue muy triste.
"Latino News and Opinion." Mexicanos, Los Más Pobres Entre Latinos De NY - . N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Nov. 2013. <http://www.pontealdia.com/estados-unidos/mexicanos-y-dominicanos-los-mas-pobres-entre-latinos-de-ny.html>.
Reflection #8
Ms. Manuel
Ayer, un hombre fue muerto en Rio Piedras en Reading, Pennsylvania. El murió en son las once y veinte. Martiz y Edwin también estaban heridos. Vasquez Quitcon con récord delictivo en Puerto Rico y de Reading donde las policías investigan el asesinato. Vazquez tiene récord en cinco de Junio de dos mil trece. Policías van a investigar la persona. Son las tres y treinta, un hombre encontrado baleado. Ellos se encontraron 17 casquillos calibre .40. Son las cinco por la mañana, un diferente hombre fue encontrado baleado.
Yo pienso, las personas no deben tener pistolas porque ellos van a disparar la familia y chicos. La comunidad es segura por mucho personas. Yo pienso las políticas deben caminar en la comunidad y hablan personas en la casa por asesinato. Yo sabo personas van a morir porque nosotros son humanos. A veces, es malo cuando personas matan. Mi padre tiene un amigo y él murió cuatro años pasado. Su amigo bebió. Luego, él caminé y hablé estúpido a personas. Los personas estaban locos y mi padre de amigo murió porque ellos cortan su cuerpo. No me gusta personas deber muchos porque es peligroso. Mi padre fue a su funeral.
"Hombre Acribillado Anoche En RÃo Piedras Era Buscado Por Asesinato." El Nuevo Dia. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Oct. 2013. <http://www.elnuevodia.com/hombreacribilladoanocheenriopiedraserabuscadoporasesinato-1629539.html>.
Turmiso en China
Reflection # 7
Ms. Manuel
Hay los turismos en China. Una mujer de nombre Lin Xi no visita su país porque hay los días festivos quien cuatro mil personas van a el parque natural de Jiuzhaigou. El parque es por turismos van a China. En la plaza de Tiananmen, cien mil personas fueron la ceremonia y después la ceremonia, hay muchos tonelados de basura. Administración de China dijo hay mucho gente viene cada año. Cada año, el número de turismos, ellos van a ir popular países. Chinos gastan mucho dinero en ceremonias tener divertido. En Europa, Alemán visita diferente países.
Yo tengo familia en Alemania y ellos visitan en California. Ellos tengo mucho dinero porque sus dinero es más. Ellos les gusta Estados Unidos porque ellos quieran visitar la familia. Mi Alemania familia visita América casa dos o tres años en el verano. Yo quiero visitar Alemán porque me gusta visitar diferente países y aprendo cultural. Yo fui China cuando tenía tres años. Mi madre y yo visitamos mi familia y celebramos una fiesta. China siempre divertidos fiestas y yo quiero visitar mi familia en el verano. Nuevo Chino año es popular en China y tiene muchos tradición comida. Yo estoy feliz quien yo tengo familia en diferente países.
"China Descubre El Turismo De Masas." EL PAÍS. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Oct. 2013. <http://economia.elpais.com/economia/2013/10/25/actualidad/1382702978_031027.html>.
Title: Divergent
Author: Veronica Roth
Publisher: HarperCollins
Publishing Date: April 25th, 2011
Pages: 487
Genre: Sci-Fi/ Fantasy
National Day on Writing
#6 Quarter 1
Ms. Manuel
En dos mil diez, 223,000 personas murieron porque ellos tiene cáncer. La aire tienes contaminación cuando personas juegan con tecnologías. El contaminación es muy peligroso para el contaminación es en la atmosférica. Muchos personas tiene cáncer y es muy mal. En científica, tumores son en pulmón y vejiga. Las personas respirar la aire y es difícil limpiar la aire. En China, hay muchos fábricas y el contaminación es súper mal y hay más personas van a respirar el humo. Es importante cuando el mundo tiene calor. También, Agencia Europea del médico dijo 90% personas respira mal aire.
En Estados Unidos, muchos gentes conducen un carro. Es importante cuando personas no caminan. Nosotros come muchos y somos gordos. Yo pienso, personas deben montan un bicicleta.
Mi familia tiene carro y nosotros vivimos lejos. A veces mis hermanos y yo usamos bicicletas en la parque. Necesitamos un carro ir a ciudad y es rápido. La gasolina es muy cara. Yo sabo muchos personas tienen cáncer. Hay diferentes cáncer y gentes debe ir a hospital. La doctor ayudó mi amigo pensar bien. La aire en el mundo es horrible. Es triste cuando personas muere porque la aire. Personas usan muchos gasolina y electricidad.
"La OMS Considera Comprobado Que La Contaminación Atmosférica Causa Cáncer." - 20minutos.es. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Oct. 2013. <http://www.20minutos.es/noticia/1951292/0/contaminacion/causa-cancer/oms/>.
Mueren 10 Personas Por Incendio En Hospital De Japón." El Nuevo Dia. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Oct. 2013. <http://www.elnuevodia.com/mueren10personasporincendioenhospitaldejapon-1617008.html>.
En hospital de Japón,l hubo un incendio. Había diez personas muertas en viernes. políticas dijo ocho personas fueron heridos en hospital ortopédico. Los ocho personas dormían y ellos no sabían. Dos personas trabajaron en el hospital y ellos son doctores. El incendio era grande y los bomberos llegaron porque ellos tienen ayudaron los personas. Akiharu Otsu digo la incendo fue en la primera suelo. La policía no sabe qué a el fuego y ellos miran para pruebas. En la segunda y tercera suelos, muchos personas fueron usadas adecuadamente de televisida en el NHK.
A veces, los policías vienen tarde y no me gusta ellos porque los personas necesitan ayudar. Yo pienso el hospital necesita un cámera porque los doctores saben quién hizo. Cada día, personas mueren y es difícil ayudar. Mi tia es un doctor y ella le gusta ayudar personas. Ella habla y ella dijo yo que un doctor. Hoy, yo quiero estar un doctor porque me gusta ayudar personas. Voy a estudiar más y tiene buenas notas. Mi tía también dijo, hay mucho estudiar. Mi familia siempre quiere estar un farmacia, pero es aburrido. Estoy triste como la gente muere porque estaban dormían. Es hospital siempre seguro.Spanish Blog #4
Aaron Tang
Ms. Manuel
Quarter 1
Roaslio Corona hablaba de frutas y verduras en Italian Market en la ciudad. Inmigrantes llegó a Filadelfia hace trescientos años. Los Chinos no puede venir a los Estados Unidos. Franceses, Italianos, Irlandeses y Judíos fueron en Queens Village y Pennsport. No muchos Latinos y Temple de Universidad hizo ayudar Latinos en Filadelfia. Cinco millionaires emigraron a Estados Unidos en 1880-1920. Los inmigrantes trabajan y tienen una empresa. Hay barcos en el río y Dave & Buster era para barcos. Cigarrillo es muy popular y inmigrantes que venden. También los latinos trabajaron en los fábrica de Spring Garden. Vinieron de San Antonio en Texas trabajar. Muchos Mexicanos restaurantes en Filadelfia. Inmigrantes son aquí trabajar y hacen dinero.
Mis padres son inmigrantes. Nosotros movieron a Filadelfia para empresa. Nosotros tienen restaurante y la tienda, pero vendimos a gente. Mis padres querían hacer dinero, y nosotros tenemos gente comer y comprar la comida. Yo ví muchos inmigrantes en Chinatown y South Philly. En Chinatown hay Mexicanos y ellos trabajan en el restaurante y cocinan. Yo sabo no hacen dinero. Yo quiero trabajar, pero tengo tarea y escuela. Yo vivo en Norte filadelfia y hay muchos diferente gentes. Filadelfia es un bien para inmigrantes trabajar porque ellos pueden hacer dinero.
Gamboa, Ana. "Latino News and Opinion." Misma Philly...muchos Más Inmigrantes - . N.p., 03 Oct. 2013. Web. 04 Oct. 2013. <http://www.pontealdia.com/philadelphia/misma-philly-.muchos-mas-inmigrantes.html>.
Miley Cyrus
Ms. Manuel
Miley Cyrus fue en Hannah Montana de Disney Channel. Ella es popular porque gentes miran la televisión. Su padre también canta. Miley Cyrus tiene tatuajes y ella es diferente. En dos mil y diez, Cyrus tenía un hombre; su nombre es Liam Hemsworth. Ellos son actores en The Last Song. La familia vive en Toluca Lake de Los Angeles. Liam y Miley se van a casar, pero en Septiembre ellos no. Este año, Miley cantó “We Can’t Stop” en MTV. Muchos gente no les gusta porque ella hizo algo horrible. Ella quiero tener divertido.
Cuando yo era nueve años, miré Hannah Montana con mi hermana. Yo no sabo Miley es diferente porque en mi escuela, mi amigos hablaron Miley es desagradable. Su canciones son increíbles, pero ella lleva ropa corta. Ella fue en Instagram, facebook y mucho más, gentes hablan de ella. Me gusta su pelo largo y no su pelo corto. Pienso, Miley es fea ahora porque ella no es bonita. MTV en el verano era aburrido cuando yo miré gentes catan. Me gusta cuando Justin Timberlake cantó con Back Street Boys. El año que viene no voy a mirar MTV Choice Awards porque no hay música buena.
"Miley Cyrus: Confesiones De La Niña Más Salvaje Del Pop." CNN En Espaol Ultimas Noticias De Estados Unidos Latinoamrica Y El Mundo Opinin Y Videos RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Sept. 2013.
"Apple Lanza Su Sistema IOS 7." Pblicoes. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Sept. 2013. <http://www.publico.es/469179/apple-lanza-su-sistema-ios-7>.
Apple va a tener IOS 7, Iphone 5c y Iphone 5s. El IOS 7, hay dos cientos nuevas características. La cámara tiene efectos de cámara. Los Iphone 5 tiene airdrop para gentes enviar los fotografía. Apple no hay Iphone 3gs, Iphone 4g y Ipad en la tienda. El IOS 7 hacado público en diez y ocho de septiembre. Los iphone 5c hay diferentes colores; la tienda vende azul, verde, blonca, rosa, y amarillo. También, iphone 5c es uno ciento dólares. Los iphone 5s, es doscientos dólares con negro, ora y plato. Gentes son teléfono hoy.
Yo tiene Iphone 5 años pasado, pero yo descargué el IOS 7. Mi prima y mi madre van a vender Iphone 5s. No me gusta Iphone 5c porque la materia es de plástico. En Iphone 5s, la materia es de acero y tiene un botón cuando yo pulso la sensor. Yo hablo en la teléfono, tomo fotos, y mucho más. Yo estuve iphone 3gs, y iphone 4. Yo feliz iphone 5 porque es rápido. Yo sabo, mucho gentes van a comprar iphone 5s porque es diferente. Yo quiero es iphone 5s, pero tengo Iphone 5. Yo va a esperar para el iphone 6. No me gusta cuando iphone llega cada año.
Adolescente boricua sueña con ser neutocitujana
Ms. Manuel
En artículo, una chico de nombre es Zorilas Ortiz. Ella fui al escuela en Olney. Ortiz y su madre movieron de Puerto Rico a Filadelfia. Su padre murió en Santa Isabel. El no sabe mucho inglés, pero él aprendió rápido. Ortiz recibió tres NSHSS. Luego, viente y dos, Ortiz recibió “Rising Star Award Eddy Award” de PEF. Ingles era su segundo lengua. Ortiz tenía 3.98 y él quiere estudiar en Universidad. Ortiz quiere estar neusegeon, y el a estudiar la biología.. Le gusta aprender el cuerpo humano.. El muy saber colegio es muy expensive and el a solicitar las becas.
Yo elegí este articulo porque yo quiero ser como él. Yo trabajo duro en escuela y mude a Filadelfia. Yo tambien aprende inglés para mi segunda lengua. Escuela es muy difícil quien una persona aprende hablar en inglés. Yo quiero ser un doctor. Yo estudio mucho porque yo quiero ir a una bien universidad. Yo soy feliz porque Ortiz trabaja duro en escuela.
Año que viene, voy aplicar muchos universidades. Jugué Ultimate Frisbee en antes de la escuela y , yo corro después de la escuela. Yo estudio inglés porque yo puedo hablar mejor, leer y escribir. Algún momento tarde hice mi tarea. Tengo un premio Duke’s Edinburg’s. Aprendo vocabularios; avanzar y dejar.
"Adolescente Boricua Sueña Con Ser Neurocirujana." Al Día. N.p., 4 Sept. 2013. Web. 12 Sept. 2013.
http://www.pontealdia.com/philadelphia/adolescente-boricua-suena-con-ser-neurocirujana.html |
Humanities Final Portfolio 2013_Tang
When you open to the doors, what do you see? In that case, it seems like everyone thinks differently because the uniqueness sparks their light bulb in their mind. I personally admire this quote; “Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning” Albert Einstein. The key is to think deeper on your explanations. This year had been a roller coaster when we all started on the first day of school, when I stepped into English class. I saw bright new faces around me and I knew the level I am standing is different. The bigger picture is when we analyzed art and talked about modern day history. At first, I didn't know why we were studying art, but as of now art has a powerful message and I thought World History is about famous people. There are couple meaningful to address; languages is a common barrier to relationships, things that make you different also makes you unique, and different things represent power in different cultures/civilizations. These aspects will show how they are related in both subjects.
One of the journal entries #15 from English is a powerful piece that shows my accomplishments. It shows my ambitious of who I am. The journal entry also relates to a book we’ve read in the beginning of the year. People have their own dreams and hope and they will find a way to achieve it. The journal entry shows how I am my own person and in the book, Janie fight her ways of becoming a stronger woman. I learned that in journal entries, I have to use my critical thinking and my imagination.
History journal #8, talks about religion in past that spreads around the world. “Religion is the sign of the oppressed creature, the sentiment of a heartless world, and the sould of soul- less conditions. It is the opium of the people”- Karl Max . I believe there are many things to learn about religion because everyone was born with different cultures and religions. Sometimes when people worship different religions, people can’t have a relationship with them because they aren’t the same. Religion affects the history because they segregated the people to not socialize, but to hate each other. The unit religion, I have been studying many countries and learn about religion. I am open minded to all religion because they have a special meaning that does different things. The journals help me learned about other people who talked in the group discussions. Sometimes, I would talk because there aren’t any wrong answers.
In English class, we have to write an essay about how languages influence the people around the whole world and me. I wrote about my family who spoke Cantonese when I was born and how English had impacted my life at school. I had trouble writing and talking in English, but as of today, I expanded my knowledge of writing and speaking. Learning different languages makes everyone a lot easier because I can understand three different languages; Cantonese, English, and Spanish. It shows that I want to have conversations with speaking different dialect. On top of it, I created a video about my family who struggles speaking in English. I get to talk to my parents about their lives and I think about how I impacted to the community. This unit is powerful when everyone should respect how they speak
One of my benchmark in English class is a podcast about my cousin. The topic was crossing boundaries to learn about the struggles in their lifetime. I learned that my cousin’s childhood was a lot different than mine because she would have to fit in when she moved to Philadelphia. Even though we were born and raised in California and moved to Philadelphia in our childhood, the environment is different. As of today, she loves Philadelphia more than California because she thought about the living expenses and how the city is more historical. I can also relate to my cousin because we are the oldest kids in the family and we would have to do everything when the parents always depend on us. I learned that growing up is hard, but it can be a life lesson in the future.
A project I have been studying is about religion. I created a blog on wiki spaces and researched about the history of religion. Even though people believe in different God, and I learned that there are different symbols that brings people together because they need something to praise for. This project shows the relationship between the societies on how it is important to them. Religion is very powerful to everyone because the cultures and traditions are different; therefore religion is a unique topic to learn about. I am aware of how people think about other people as of today. People should accept who they are and I think religion just bring people together to have sets of beliefs.
Lastly, my first benchmark in history class, I wrote monologues
about Pipelines
that the United States planned to build it in the south. I wrote about how it
will affect everyone in the society when families will have to leave. The tar
can also impact the environment a lot worst. This was one of my favorite projects
because I learned about the current history that may affect my future. I also
watched videos about the Pipelines and read several articles.
Everything I learned from both classes isn’t about just reading,
there are opportunities to engage the learning spaces such as writing,
activities, watching videos and going on field trips. I want to show how much I
have learned. I learned by having group discussions, working together as a team
for projects and sometimes working independent. Having Mr. Block as a teacher
for two subjects of challenging my own actions. As a new stage, walking to 11th
grade, I will always remember the critical thinking and how people should back
up with their opinions.
History Journal #8
Respond to one (agree, disagree, connections)
Religion is the sign of the oppressed creature, the sentiment of a heartless world, and the sould of soul- less conditions. It is the opium of the people- Karl Max. 1884
I agree with this because back then, a lot of people feel the negative passion of endanger of the other society when they have different religion. No one cares about the other group of people. They think about themselves and the world is segregated because people believe in different things. I believe that everyone has a leader; therefore it brings people together. For example, famous people will tell the people in the society not to do non violence because its a better reputations of not doing any sinful things. I think there is one God, but people see it with different types of God when there are more than one religion.
It causes violences because there ar war happening. Religion have different myths where people do different things.
Year 1: Middle Asia are spread into 6 tribes.
Kingdah spread most part in Asia.
Year 2: The ottoman Empire is located in Anatolia, Rumelia, Wallachia, etc in 1481
Egypt and Syria are Acquisitions up to 1520.
Year 3: Religion are spreaded throughout the world in middle east, half Africa and some countries in South America.
Indonesia have a boom time (growing) because of the Muslim.
English Journal #15
My compromises are taking risk by challenging myself and helping people who need help. I care for my friends so they can have a better life. I think about my life, but I also want to help my friends. I would also try to chamllenge my education by working on my homework and organize my work for different subjects. I am willing to move on from the past because everytime when I think about my problems, I always stress about it. My dream is to have a better life so I can have a occupation to help my family. i want my self to succeed in college and never give up. I can see that I will stress out, but its worth it.
: Grandma's death
: Family Members
: Husband Logan
: Wash his feet/male's job
: Marrying Joe (Jodie)
: Racist during childhood
: Making own decisions
: No resources
: Love
Te Amo Mucho_Spanish Music- Alfredo Tang, Santiago,Selena Nieves,Diego eo-Bedawi
Growing Up Too Fast_Crossing Boundaries
Libya Revolution-Audrey Pham, Aaron Tang
libya from Aaron Tang on Vimeo.
Arroz Frito- Anna Troung, Lupe Birkmire, Alfredo Tang
La Comida from Aaron Tang on Vimeo.
Language AutoBiography 2013: Language Reflects Who I am
Throughout the past couple weeks in English class, we learned about languages that were spoken in different parts of the countries. We watched a video of people talking in at United States and we read four stories about the languages that affected them in their lives because of who they are. We wrote some short scenes of how languages had changed myself when people judge the way I talk to people. The next building block was writing an autobiographical paper that connects to life. We also had to pick a quote from one of the four stories we’ve read and connect them to our personal life. My story is about how languages influence my self and my family at home versus outside. I wrote how languages are very important to the family even though we live in a society where people judge the way we talk.
There are so many different issues with my languages spoken at home and how I speak outside changes who I am because I will need to speak formally towards the older ones. At home, I don’t really care of how I talk towards my family members. If I speak rudely, people will think about my personality. It shows that my mom does not appreciate the way I always neglect speaking in Chinese, and it interferes with our communication when I don’t know a lot of words. I speak two languages; Cantonese and English. There has been numerous times when my mom speaks poor English. I have my own standard language when I may have an accent in Cantonese. I knew what I can say, but the pronunciations were horrible. This mainly affects me because of the languages I speak with my friends versus the dialects spoken with my family members inside that closed doors of my house. At home my family members often tend to correct my Chinese, but when they speak in english its my turn. Many times my sister and I will correct them and it help them have a better understanding with English.
Most of the time, I switch dialogues with my family members, and I end up merging the two languages together into a different language that ends up a blend of both English and Cantonese. An example of this type of situation would be when, one day I was walking down the street with my friends, while my phone vibrated. It was my mom. I picked up the phone and I heard her say “Where is you.” I know how to say that in Cantonese “nay hay bien dou? I ignored her mistake because I knew what she was talking about.“ I’m with my friends....” I switched my language to cantonese so she can understand, “no toun pién yûo hay Movie Theater.” I dislike the feeling of switching back and forth because the languages, makes it harder for me to expand the knowledge of speaking both. Then my mom says “Me pick you up? I meet you at daycare with brother and sister.” I quickly responded, “please talk better in English and I will meet you there in 15 minutes.”
I realized that I was a little harsh my with mother because she tried her best speaking with English to my siblings and myself. My mother didn’t go to college in America nor her hometown. My mother didn’t have enough money for her education and she tries to speak with us more where I respected her knowledge of knowing some english. I was happy for her, but she felt she needed to step up her game of learning more English. I also struggled with English when writing and talking to my friends. Its stereotypical thing when people say asians suck at grammar mistakes. I strongly agree with this and sometimes I don’t because people can work their way on improving. For example I don’t know when to use “has” or “have” in correct terms. Thus, the only solutions for myself is to try to talk often in English and ask people to politely correct my grammar. I pushed myself to my limits where I need to figure out improving with our grammar mistakes in my family. The only ways we can improve is having a conversation with each other, or start reading more novels to pick the English. Cantonese is more complex; there’s pin yin and chinese characters. There are tones on top of the pin yins and the words will mean differently. Thus, I may be losing the knowledge of speaking Cantonese slowly. I asked my mom if she wanted to improve on English. She said yes because it will be better to have a conversation with my two younger siblings, whom unfortunately for them never learned to speak chinese. I realized that my mom never took time for her own education because she was always occupied taking care of us, but still, she was willing to learn. It took me couple days for myself to think about my ethnicity. For most Asians, they are passionate about achieving their expectations and they have to face a lot of expectations.
An example from a text that best coincides with my experiences is the article from “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan she said “It has become our language of intimacy, a different sort of English that relates to family talk , the language I grew up with” (Page 1). This quote reflects my family and myself when I am influenced by them. As I grew older, I noticed that learning different languages are very important when speaking among the group of people. I may fluster with some words that I am unfamiliar with. Incorporating with the languages shows that I want to learn the languages and the culture of their identity. I realized that people adapt to how they talk where languages came from different parts of the area. I believe there’re no one right language. The languages evolve each generations; like the people from the past who talk in Cantonese are more traditional compare to the 21st century.
We are struggling with the grammatical structures of speaking and writing. I listened to my parents English and its wrong most of the time. All I need to do is work harder towards my English by getting help from my friends. Society shows that there are some circumstances between English because people tend to pronounce the words differently. Different parts of the area will be a whole new world because of the strong accent or the background of the person. My parents were not from here and they had to adapt to the society of the language they speak. Now my siblings and I will need to balance the two languages we spoke because of the cultural language is an unique ideal to have its own meaning.There for, Cantonese has been passed down by each generation where the language is a secret value to my family lives. When the language dies off, our generations will forget the language, we speak today in our family.
Language English from Aaron Tang on Vimeo.
Tan , Amy. "Mother Tongue." Home is Where the Heart Dwells. N.p.. Web. 11 Jan 2013. <https://blogs.law.harvard.edu/guorui/2008/02/06/mother-tongue-by-amy-tan/>.
Language Autobiography 2013:Language reflects who I am
the past couple weeks in English class, we learned about languages that were
spoken in different parts of the countries. We watched a video of people
talking in at United States and we read four stories about the languages that
affected them in their lives because of who they are. We wrote some short
scenes of how languages had changed myself when people judge the way I talk to
people. The next building block was writing an autobiographical paper that
connects to life. We also had to pick a quote from one of the four stories
we’ve read and connect them to our personal life. My story is about how
languages influence my self and my family at home versus outside. I wrote how
languages are very important to the family even though we live in a society where
people judge the way we talk.
There are so many different issues with my languages spoken at home and
how I speak outside changes who I am because I will need to speak formally towards the older ones. At home, I don’t really care of how I talk towards my family members. If I speak rudely, people will think about my personality. It shows that my mom does not appreciate the way I always neglect speaking in Chinese, and it interferes with our communication when I don’t know a lot of words. I speak two languages; Cantonese and English. There has been numerous times when my mom speaks poor English. I have my own standard language when I may have an accent in Cantonese. I knew what I can say, but the pronunciations were horrible. This mainly affects me because of the languages I speak with my friends versus the dialects spoken with my family members inside that closed doors of my house. At home my family members often tend to correct my Chinese, but when they speak in english its my turn. Many times my sister and I will correct them and it help them have a better understanding with English.
Most of the time, I switch dialogues with my family members, and I end up merging the two languages together into a different language that ends up a blend of both English and Cantonese. An example of this type of situation would be when, one day I was walking down the street with my friends, while my phone vibrated. It was my mom. I picked up the phone and I heard her say “Where is you.” I know how to say that in Cantonese “nay hay bien dou? I ignored her mistake because I knew what she was talking about.“ I’m with my friends....” I switched my language to cantonese so she can understand, “no toun pién yûo hay Movie Theater.” I dislike the feeling of switching back and forth because the languages, makes it harder for me to expand the knowledge of speaking both. Then my mom says “Me pick you up? I meet you at daycare with brother and sister.” I quickly responded, “please talk better in English and I will meet you there in 15 minutes.”
I realized that I was a little harsh my with mother because she tried her best speaking with English to my siblings and myself. My mother didn’t go to college in America nor her hometown. My mother didn’t have enough money for her education and she tries to speak with us more where I respected her knowledge of knowing some english. I was happy for her, but she felt she needed to step up her game of learning more English. I also struggled with English when writing and talking to my friends. Its stereotypical thing when people say asians suck at grammar mistakes. I strongly agree with this and sometimes I don’t because people can work their way on improving. For example I don’t know when to use “has” or “have” in correct terms. Thus, the only solutions for myself is to try to talk often in English and ask people to politely correct my grammar. I pushed myself to my limits where I need to figure out improving with our grammar mistakes in my family. The only ways we can improve is having a conversation with each other, or start reading more novels to pick the English. Cantonese is more complex; there’s pin yin and chinese characters. There are tones on top of the pin yins and the words will mean differently. Thus, I may be losing the knowledge of speaking Cantonese slowly. I asked my mom if she wanted to improve on English. She said yes because it will be better to have a conversation with my two younger siblings, whom unfortunately for them never learned to speak chinese. I realized that my mom never took time for her own education because she was always occupied taking care of us, but still, she was willing to learn. It took me couple days for myself to think about my ethnicity. For most Asians, they are passionate about achieving their expectations and they have to face a lot of expectations.
An example from a text that best coincides with my experiences is the article from “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan she said “It has become our language of intimacy, a different sort of English that relates to family talk , the language I grew up with” (Page 1). This quote reflects my family and myself when I am influenced by them. As I grew older, I noticed that learning different languages are very important when speaking among the group of people. I may fluster with some words that I am unfamiliar with. Incorporating with the languages shows that I want to learn the languages and the culture of their identity. I realized that people adapt to how they talk where languages came from different parts of the area. I believe there’re no one right language. The languages evolve each generations; like the people from the past who talk in Cantonese are more traditional compare to the 21st century.
We are struggling with the grammatical structures of speaking and writing. I listened to my parents English and its wrong most of the time. All I need to do is work harder towards my English by getting help from my friends. Society shows that there are some circumstances between English because people tend to pronounce the words differently. Different parts of the area will be a whole new world because of the strong accent or the background of the person. My parents were not from here and they had to adapt to the society of the language they speak. Now my siblings and I will need to balance the two languages we spoke because of the cultural language is an unique ideal to have its own meaning.There for, Cantonese has been passed down by each generation where the language is a secret value to my family lives. When the language dies off, our generations will forget the language, we speak today in our family.
Language English from Aaron Tang on Vimeo.
Tan , Amy. "Mother Tongue." Home is Where the Heart Dwells. N.p.. Web. 11 Jan 2013. <https://blogs.law.harvard.edu/guorui/2008/02/06/mother-tongue-by-amy-tan/>.
The Pipeline Monologue Project
( Mr. Adam is at Houston Texas in the forest building the pipelines with his constructors. He has a shovel and special tools around his waist, working his way down south to build the pipeline).
(Talking to his friend)
I can’t believe this! Am I living right now? It’s been a long day. Pipeline here we go. Special benefits for the nation to have a better economy. I am thrilled of having this job, Matthew. How to put this in words. I need to money for my future and my family. I have a wife that live with me. We’re living in a small place where we can’t barely pay off....
(Low voice)
Yeah, we’re poor. Matthew, having this job is an opportunity of getting a 2nd chance. Life is tough out there, not a lot of jobs out there. Pipeline offer thousands of jobs for people like us to get money! You know. I’m digging it.
(Looks over at Matt, disappointing)
What’s wrong? (Making a grin face) Brighten your face a bit! You’re totally wrong with that. You said it will destroy our economy? What the hell, the keystone have so many benefits for everyone. I believe we made an awesome decisions to build out future technology. For one thing, the tar sand will sure give us gas since we are in a low economy. Look the economy rise when gas cost $4 per gallon! (Expression more happy). Ain’t that awesome for everyone! Yay! Look on the bright side, we will get cheaper gas when pipelines are there! My poppa, my mama, my sis and my bro need everything cheap. I mean cheap stuff that we can afford!
(Shoveling while listening to Matt)
Did I just hear about the great plains should be kept? Haha, you’re funny. Ain’t nobody cares about mother nature. I don’t care. Like c’mon, carbon will go up in the air, no matter how we change it or not. The atmosphere will be ka’boom. The end.
(Happy voice)
We need our industry to boost up for god sake! People care about the economics where the stocks can be cheap and proficient. Pipeline will be guarantee that we will watch it 24/7. If there are any damages, evacuation will be there immediately fixing it. Wahh lah. Brand new! I’m giving my best shots on having this industry. You feel me?
(Look at Matthew talking and gets irritated)
Why the serious face Matthew? Oh, you said you don’t like the KeyStone, then are you working for them? You should just leave! (Loud and mad). I don’t know why you are against it. As long as I my money, I’m fine. You can’t lie about that. Our nation don’t have to depend on other countries because it will make our nation more secure, by providing new job opportunities!
(Pause and listen to his friend).
No, I don’t give a crap about the middle coast. They can survive with the pipeline in the middle of nowhere! Trust me! They have legs and arms to travel and move somewhere else. If they protest, they can go to prison. Simple as that. (Pause and listen to his friend again. Then gets really mad) Don’t ever talk about bad things about Keystone Pipeline! Just give me the damn nails so I can finish my work.
(Looking at the sky).God bless us.
(In the science lab collecting data with all these chemicals surrounding him).
Come over here Pablo! Bad news. You need to come here very quick. Hurry. I found something interesting with the data. (softer voice and talking excitedly) Okay, the percentage dramatically change for the past years, even decades! No no no.
(Voice became even more dramatic)
The world’s energy had gone from 27% and the C02 rose to 27.5% for the last decade! When the tar sand is finish, we will be doomed. Organisms will die. Glaciers will melt. Water will rise. Extinction. End of the world. Anyways, what information did you find?
(Looking at him. Impatient to talk to his friend).
You’re right! The H20 supplies will be short. The water sources in the middle coast will be destroy because the process of the tar sands will use the H20. H20 is very important! I can’t let this happen. The tar sands contain clay, bituminous and sands. The process of cleaning H20 will take forever to purify water because particles in the tar is a lot dirtier. 400 million gallons of water per day are going to be wasted! Hundreds of families or more can use it for other useful stuff. It sucks because I will not get clean H20 for my system. This will affect so many people!
(Getting frustrated)
There has to be a stop. Somehow and fast! Like, we can start a broadcast or an announcement for people to help the environment!
(Being disappointing)
Mother nature will be in danger when the plant kingdom will die slowly. Organisms will have less oxygen to breathe, and more C02 will be increasing. The cycle will die off if oxygen will be less because C02 will be trap in the atmosphere! I don’t like this at all! Since so many humans overpopulate and other living organisms living in the world, we will have trouble getting oxygen. Also, organisms will have to travel and find new homes, while humans are destroying the land just for future technology. We’re doomed!
(A long pause looking at the reports. Then being all excited).
We’re scientists! We have our hopes to fix the problem! We have all these informations to prove our points! We will persuade the government and the president about the cons for our safety. We can’t just sit here and let the pipelines destroy the economy! (Raise the first into the air). All for one and one for all! Now let’s get over to the room for our meeting about this problem. Hurry!
(In Glasgow Montana at the middle of street in Tocar Avenue with group of people protesting and news reporter are recording).
STOP THE PIPELINE! STOP THE PIPELINE! We want to end this right now!
(A woman that is even louder).
We want a better future for our families and other people. Fight for your beliefs everyone! There has to be an end to the disaster of tar sand. Trees are falling down every seconds, where tar sand is destroying our land! Our desires is to have a better environment.
(Using the megaphone, clearing the throat by coughing).
Attention everyone! I have a confession to make. You know why we are here today. (People are rowdy). Calm down everyone, we are here as a whole. Not pieces of jigsaw puzzle fighting alone.
(Pain in her voice).
I want to say that I have 2 younger children. I don’t want them to suffer the pain of smelling the disgusting air. Having my kids drinking the nasty water are poisonous! Does anyone want their children to drink that water so they will get sick and die? NO!! Water supplies are already low and we shouldn’t destroy it even more. They said the tar sand oil is a lot cheaper. (Intense) Bull crap! The industry will increase such as water. No one will survive in this severe problem and we can’t lose our future!
(Points out at the forest ahead of her)
You see this? We need it. Each one of them are put down because of us. What happens if they are all gone? We’re doomed. Yeah, Jobs. They have one weapon—money. They’ve used it to buy the allegiance of many Representatives and Senators and now they’ll use Congress to try and get their dirty work done. That’s not how things work.
I am living here, while I can see the pipelines behind my back yard? I don’t want to wake up in the middle of night when pipelines are pumping every seconds. Hahaha, it’s funny right? I don’t think so. How bad can it get? A Lot. I mean pipelines is the stupid thing that is invented in our history. Like, do we have an agreement with our society? America can do better than this!
(Stronger voice).
I’m willing to take a stand for my people. I don’t care if i get arrested because I didn’t commit a crime. (moment of silence for couple of seconds). Whoever is out there, please help us. We need each of everyone to stand up because it’s our social economy. Together, we will destroy the KeyStone Pipeline, and we will fight till the end!
I may be dumb but, I know my facts. ( Puts the megaphone down and walk away).- Co2 from tar sand will produce a lot that travels in the atmosphere causing a disaster.
- Many people are willing to fight against pipeline in the middle coast of United States.
- Occupations are important to many people than saving the forests.
- The economy are trying to build the pipeline currently and giving a better future.
- Families who live near the pipeline are devastated about the tar sand.
- Pipeline will cause the water supplies and it will waste over 400 million gallons of water each day.
"Keystone XL Pipeline." Keystone XL. N.p., 22 Mar. 2012. Web. 15 Oct. 2012. <http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/subjects/k/keystone_pipeline/index.html?8qa>.
"Tar Sands Blockade." » Taking Non-violent Direct Action to Stop the Keystone XL Pipeline. N.p., 12 Oct. 2012. Web. 15 Oct. 2012. <http://tarsandsblockade.org/>.
"Occupy & 350.org Crash Boehner's Office over Backroom Attempt to Revive Keystone XL." Tar Sands Action. N.p., 20 Jan. 2012. Web. 15 Oct. 2012. <http://www.tarsandsaction.org/>.
"The Undead Pipeline Returns." YES! Magazine. N.p., 29 Feb. 2012. Web. 15 Oct. 2012. <http://www.yesmagazine.org/blogs/madeline-ostrander/the-undead-pipeline>.
"Keystone XL Pipeline Project." Keystone XL Pipeline Project. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Oct. 2012. <http://www.transcanada.com/keystone.html>.
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Descriptive Essay; The Matter of Truth
The long afternoon had finally dragged on, it was a sticky humid summer day blazing above the sky. I was in the van, while my mom was driving, my cousin in the passenger seat with my siblings in the back. I was also in the back of the car next to my youngest sister while spacing out through the windows. I didn’t know where we were going so I looked through the blind shades. Then I turned and looked away trying to listen the soft radio music. My cousin and my mom was talking and my siblings were playing.
I was in the car for eight minutes, still wondering about moving. I remember months ago, when my father bragged to my mom’s friends, about how he treated his family well. He said “I came here to search for a house for my family.” We’ve been keeping his words for couple months by now. Time continued to jump forward and still there were no answers. The disappointment on my face grew darker. I still had hope in him because he is my father and we forgive him eventually. Then the memories cut into the reality.The air in the car was cold, where the air conditioner blasted on high. I felt squished because boxes and groceries were cramming on my foot. I wasn’t really bothered by it so I put my right arm on the seat rester and supported my head so I can close my eyes. We had a long day after working. Everything became blank when I didn’t care about anything. I just wanted to go home, getting some rest.
In the matter of seconds, my phone vibrated inside my front pocket, on the left. I took my phone, shaking. I told them it was my father and everyone was quiet while the music was turned off. My dad said, “I couldn’t buy the house because we don’t have that much money.” It was an outrage, I yelled at my dad about not keeping his words. My eyes were red and it was watering, where it felt like it was going to explode. I was yelling at him, while tears was dripping down my face. I raised my arms hitting the passenger seats, kicking the chair when my voice was furious. He kept on giving excuses so I hung up on him.
That moment I went out of control. I didn’t know what was happening because it physically just happen and I was in depression mode. Everyone in the car was just in shock because it was a long time since I did something like that. I couldn’t believe I did this horrible things in front of everyone, but at the same time I felt delighted when I yelled at my dad because he deserves it. I didn’t really bother my dad when he always talk so convincing, which he sometimes does and I need to step up on pressuring his guilt.
All this time I kept my hopes up for nothing where he brags about the wonderful things for my siblings and I. Inside of me, I was hurt. It was pain. My chest turned upside down. I thought I could believe him, but I couldn’t trust him again. The car became dull as the night sky. No one talked nor make a creek sound. I just stared through the windows, when my mind was completely emptied, trying to keep my temper low.
The relationship between my family members became worst because no one kept their words. I was acting foolish earlier but, I couldn’t keep the pain inside me. It changed me after what just happened. Sometimes people convince me with their words and I would easily fall for them. I don’t know who I can trust. There are times when I needed someone to talk to. I would just talk to my cousins and sometimes I feel better. Why can’t I have a better life? I can’t have a perfect life because there are ups and downs when there are full of lies happening. I just needed to be wiser so no one can hurt my feelings again. Since I am becoming more older, I learned to be more wiser. I will continue on the path in listening to their words and think about how I can trust their words . I will never fall into the traps again when I learned my lessons.Intimidator Difficulty Part 3 Post for Change
After collecting all of my research from the google doc form, many people filled the survey. Not too long ago, I have posted a survey on facebook and twitter for my followers and friends to answer the questions about their opinions and thoughts on bullying. I am satisfied of how many people had submitted their own thoughts. Many people had said bullying is a crucial weapon towards other people because it can hurt people’s feeling. Some people have said that bullying occurs around school. Practically, all of people who filled out the survey were teenagers. Most of them said if they see bullying occurring in the school or any place, they will report to an adult. If you still haven’t completed the survey, feel free to submit one.
There’s always a solution beside hurting each other. Children should be the role model because it shows that they are the better person who stands up for someone, or friend.
It’s time for my post of change. The bottom of this article will be a video about how I can get many views to stop bullying. In the video clip, I had grabbed some volunteers to hold the paper about words that describe the victims and ways to help my community a better society. In the video, it shows how many people are willing to help the problem. I can’t thank so many people who had help me. I have also posted the video on facebook for my friends and they had shared it to other friends to spread the word. Also, I grabbed some quotes from celebrities who had been bullied before and how celebrities may change people’s prospective without commiting suicide, or harming their self or other people.
The website is for somebody who may be in trouble of being the victim.
Click here.
Here is a website for donating money. The money is towards for programs to make an awareness. The website also shows who is the bullied learn about the topic, and how people can help.
If you want to read articles about bullying, there are a lot of resources.
No one can stop you, if you try to help somebody. I want people to not be afraid to step up for somebody because the bullied may be afraid when many people are helping the victim.
What will we do if no nobody cares about bullying? It can impact a lot of the victims. Many families will lose a member when they are not living. We don’t want our future to become a chaos when humans hurt other humans. We can always make a step by helping other people.
Together, we can stop preventing bullying in a matter of time. “We will make a difference!”
I would to like acknowledge to my english teacher Ms. Dunn, my SAT Emma Hersh because they guided me with all three blogs to have a rich blog. Ms. Dunn had been a wonderful helper because she told us what to write for each blog. Emma Hersh had helped me with editing, and upload my video to the blog. I would like to thank all the people who help me with my video, and revise my three blogs. Lastly, I appreciated for everyone who read all the blogs.
Intimidator Difficulty Part 2
back! In the previous blog, I talked about all different kinds of
bullying and how it can affect other people. If you didn’t read my first blog,
click here. You wonder why
you are reading the next set of the blog. Well in this blog, it will launch
into a new journey. In this journey of blog 2, there will be more information,
my perspective on bullying, and the understanding of the issue. Don’t hesitate
and prepare yourself for the next adventure of massive bullying.
all the researching of bullying, it had struck me because many students were
criticized from all types of bullying. Many people don’t take things seriously,
but it can cause other people into a serious problems. Dealing with bullying,
there is no ending to what will happen next when hate is building up because
the bully is hard when children and adults are being foolishness.
all new information about bullying, children who had been bullied change their
personalities. The victims usually;
Shy and quiet
Will lose relationship with friends
Bring weapons to school for vengeance
Commit suicide
rather end the anguish of being tortured everyday at school where they think it
is easier for them to rest in peace.
is extremely wrong when the victims are being torture. The ones who bullied the
victims are also hurting themselves because it shows how much they care about
people. The fact when they don’t think how it can affect other people. I saw my
friends, and other students in my school were bullied by verbal. Students talk
trash to each other especially girls who gossips a lot about the clothes they
wear. Also boys who thinks they are better than each other. It’s crucial for
young children to die because family members will be really struck to the story
of their child committing suicide. They only want their child to have a
wonderful life for fulfilling their dreams in the future. The ones who are
friends with the bullied are afraid to stand up for their friend who had been
bullied because the next they will get bullied next, but it is important that
standing up for themselves or their friends will might stop them from
preventing bullying.
always talked to people why they aren’t friendly. When they don’t listen and
continue to threaten you, ignore them. Life is very precious where people can’t
just end their life. I always think words can’t hurt me because there is a lot
of things I want to experience instead of being depressed what people had said.
I don’t care what kind of bully occurs in the show because there is no right
where children hurt each other’s feelings for being better than others.
Children come to school are being created equally with all respects. No matter
what ethnicity, where you come from, the language you speak, personalities, etc,
we are all human beings who are like each other’s.
created a Google doc about bullying. On May17th, 2012 I had amass all the
responses with multiple choices with short answers. The results shows how many
people had been bullied, and if bully matters in the society.
“ I'll stand up for the weaker person. I don't care
how that makes me look to other people, because at the end of the day I
could've saved a life. What happens most of the time is people see it, think
it's wrong, but never speak up.” This shows how deeply when people wanted to
stand up for someone when he/she feels accomplish of helping the ones who get
tease.” - Anonymous, age 15.
click on this survey and take couple
minutes to respond. Remember, once you submit it will be anonymous. Thank you
for your patients.
more information, there will a website about signs of how people can identify
of bullying.
Click here for a commercial of bullying.
my sources,
click here!
The diagram shows how many people had been bullied and how bullying is important. There were 71 responds.
Intimidator Difficulty
The topic I am researching is how young people can stop bullying when it can hurt people’s feeling. I am trying to prevent people from bullying because the ones who get bullied will do tremendously wrong things when they have low esteem. Parents want their children to be in a safe environment at school and getting home safely without getting discomfort from students in school. Many parents can’t stop the negative passion of bullying when their children are the bully. Bullying occurs everywhere in the community, and the society needs to end the harassments. Humans tend to tease other people no matter what. Some kids pick on other kids who are weaker than them, so they feel pride in themselves.
There are forms of bullying; harassment, verbal, cyberbully,physical, and many more. Physical bullying also known as harassment is when there someone is hurting people such as fighting, kicking, etc. Verbal words comes out from people’s mouth when they say inappropriate things because they don’t know words can hurt feelings. Sometimes when you joke around with your friends, it can be offensive.
Cyber-bully occurs on social media when texting, pictures, sending threats will affect their behavior. Indirect bullying is when there are rumors spreading around places that might be false when they can’t stop the stories. Cyber-bully happens 24/7 when parents can’t track anonymous posts. When text messages, posting pictures are sent to the person it will be extremely hard to erase because other people can read what they write to them especially on social media. Technology had been evolving constantly when the generations of children knows better than their parents, which makes parents hard to figure out. You should watch the movie Cyberbully that occurs to most teenagers.
All the types of bullying can affect the way you can act and who you are. For example, people tease others by the way they look, religion, gender, race, and how they act. These can prevent people who had been bullied can commit suicide, deep depression, or physical abuse to themselves. Rumors will start in a matter of time when someone says something negative to them. Children will skip school, fail in classes, health problems, take bad medications on their body. Adults are trying to figure out how to end the bullying at school when things get very intense. Many lives are gone when children are hurting each other. Words can always hurt someone’s feeling when they are in deep depression. One of the reasons schools make kids wear uniforms is because other students will not judge each other when they wear the same clothes. If students have privilege to wear anything, things will be out of hand when they will comment their outfit. Students can lose friendship by getting bullied and struggle with school. The bullies think they are better than others, but its wrong to hurt other people when they are foolish.
Here are just some facts about bullying and you should be aware of. About 160,000 children miss school each day because they have the fear of getting hurt from other classmates. 56% of the students have witness bullying occurring in school. Did you know that 1 out of 7 students from k-12 are the bullied or the the victim of being bullied? 1 out of 20 students seen guns at school. 90% from 4th to 8th grade told of being the victims. All of these had been crucial for our generation. Children aren’t safe when school don’t do anything about ending the pressure are towards the victims. It's astonishing for most people when they found dramatic numbers are increasing of children that had been the victim of being bully.
They don’t know what to do with the situation, and their mind sets off to breakdown and gave up hope. If you take the time to realize how deeply it affects people, you might think twice.
Stop bullying. Make a change, and become the role model.
Here’s the links to my bibliography.
Negative Space- Tang, Aaron
A. What is negative space (explain this
concept to a fourth grader that has never heard of it)?
Negative space is images that have no
lines connecting. The picture shows that the outer piece of the drawing is
going to be shaded which is the negative space. For example, there are white
and blue and the white part of the drawing is positive space. The black is
negative because of the background. When the image had no lines, it will call
it a silhouette.
Explain how you found negative space in 1. Your cut out? 2. In
your stool drawing?
The cut out as shown below which is the
owl. To find out the negative space it, will be the dark blue one. I noticed
that the dark blue one is the background of the negative space. The light blue
one shows the shape of the owl, and the two colors will show a picture of my
image. For my second step of drawing, I drew stools by looking at the view. I
drew all the stools with lines connected, but at the end I erase the lines so
the picture can be a one unite. I shaded the remainder to make it negative
space. The white part is showing the positive space of the image.
Why does it help an artist to see in negative space?
One reason why artist can see in the
negative space is giving a visual of the image. The positive and the negative
let people identify the picture. Without the details of the drawing, artists
can see what it is.
D. Does seeing in negative space enhance drawings,
why or why not
I think it is because people don't have to draw every little detail. With using
the technique of negative space and positive space, it will show a better
design. Also, people can visualize the image a lot faster.
Why does food matter?
Your Highness?
The artwork is based on Lady Macbeth. The sculpting is symbolizing Lady Macbeth’s important key in the book. The first sculpting is about power because at the beginning of the book, she became really obnoxious with the power. She wanted to take over the control and guided her husband, Macbeth to be the king. The next following sculpting is a knife. It shows that Lady Macbeth encourage Macbeth to kill King Duncan so both of them can get the power. There are quotes when she had talked about the dagger. The third sculpting is a crown. Lady Macbeth had the wish to take the crown as a queen to rule the power with her husband. This shows that the power had symbolized lunatic because she was scared that nobles would find out later. The power was too much for her where she had committed suicide. She didn’t really care about living than suffer in pain of killing. So the sculpting shows a memorial grave for Lady Macbeth’s death.
had created my arts and craft a castle because the theme sets off to royals and
highness. It shows that the time period is creating a non-fiction for people to
see. The houses are for the background are black and white because the colors
shows devastating period of time when there was a problem. The flags are
showing who is ruling the kingdom for Lady Macbeth and Macbeth ruling.
Mi Clases- Alfredo Tang
Mis Seres Queridos -Tang
Pen Pal Letter
¡ Hola! ¿Cómo está usted? Hoy es el diez de diciembre. Hoy es
lunes. Soy de Filadelfia. Se conoce como
“La Cuidad de Amor Fraternal” y un ciudad entre la ciudad Nueva York y la
Capitol. ¿De donde eres?
llamo Aaron Tang. Yo soy muy bien y feliz. Yo tengo quince años. ¿Cuantos años
tienes? Mi cumpleaños es el diez de diciembre. Soy de Filadelfia. ¿Cuando tu cumpleaños?
¿De donde eres? Hace sol pero hace mucho frió.
gusta la natación y el tenis. No
me gusta ni la baloncesto tampoco el fútbol. Me gusta la música clásica y la música pop. No me
gusta el jazz y la música rock. Me
gusta la comida italiana, la comida china y la pizza. También
gusta la fruta. No me gusta la
comida mexicana y la ensalada.
¿Y tú? ¿Qué deporte te gusta? ¿Qué música te gusta escuchar? ¿Qué comida te
gusta? ¿Qué no te gusta?
soy más o menos alto. Yo soy tampoco
tímido ni gordo. Soy ni aburrido tampoco antipático. Yo
soy moreno, delgado, trabajador y
como si fuera poco yo soy simpático. Yo soy sin embargo un poquito perezoso, bobo, extraño pero inteligente y divertido.
Además yo soy asiático. Yo soy vietnamito y chino. Yo tengo el pelo corto. Yo
tengo los ojos café. Depende
del diá me gusta ver la tele y jugar videojuegos con amigos. Me gusta pasar
un rato con amigos es por so que yo
soy sociable. Los fines de semana me
gusta ir de compras y ir al
cine. A menudo me gusta hablar por teléfono Me gusta cocinar y ayudar en
casa Me gusta comer, dormir y relajar sin
embargo me gusta ir a la escuela. Me nunca
gusta bailar, correr y dibujar. También, me gusta escuchar música y nadar. ¿Y tú? ¿Cómo eres tú? ¿Qué te gusta
Bueno, me boy porque tengo que estudiar
y ayudar en casa. Responde cuando
puedas. Hasta luego Jair Salas. ¡Chao!
Con cariño,
Aaron Tang
Aaron Tang, Q2, Media Fluency
Reflection: What I learned from this project is not to add a lot of pictures in one slide. As people driving by billboards, some of them had fewer words and one picture. If there are so many pictures in one slide, it will be too tacky. Adding less word helps because I learn that making slide shows should be simple and it is better. I also learned that I want one picture to be focused instead of other pictures. During the research, I learn that matching with colors with the words and pictures is better. For example, people like to match colors with their outfits. I have nothing to change because I took almost every elements from the website I used to do my slide. I took my critical thinking to make my slide unique. The camera, I fade it; I don't want the camera to be on spotlight. The curve of the camera is facing towards the words so people can read it. I just want people to see the picture on the right. If I can do this project again, I would take all my knowledge from the website I learned from.
Alphabet In Spanish
The Spanish
Spanish alphabet consists of 29 different letters. Here are the the
pronunciation for the letters in Spanish
Alphabet English |
Pronunciation |
Alphabet Spanish |
A |
(a) |
A |
B |
(bey) |
Be |
C/CH |
(se)/ (chay) |
Ce/che |
D |
(Day) |
De |
E |
(a) |
E |
F |
(f-ay) |
Efe |
G |
(hey) |
Ge |
H |
(ache) |
Hache |
I |
(ee) |
I |
J |
(hota) |
Jota |
K |
(ca) |
Ka |
L/ Ele |
(ele)/ (a-ye) |
Ele/ Elle |
M |
(m-may) |
Eme |
N |
(n-nay) (en-yay) |
Ene/ Ene |
O |
(o) |
O |
P |
(pay) |
Pe |
Q |
(coo) |
Cu |
R/ RR |
(ere)/ (errrre) |
Ere/ Erre |
S |
(essay) |
Ese |
T |
(tey) |
Te |
U |
(o) |
U |
V |
(vay) |
Ve |
W |
(do-ble vay) |
Doble Ve |
X |
a-quise) |
Equis |
Y |
(yay) |
Ye |
Z |
(seta) |
Zeta |
Alfredo Tang & Miguel Woodruff
Band X
What is the weather like? |
Que tiempo hace? |
Here are the weathers that are shown below. If someone ask the question what is
the weather like, you can say one of the following below.
Esta Nublado |
Cloudy |
Hace Viento |
Windy |
Esta Nevando |
Snowing |
Esta lloviendo |
Raining |
Hace sol |
Sunny |
Months and Dates
Alfredo Tang & Miguel Woodruff
Band X
Months/ Dates
Here are the months that are shown below.
Months In Spanish |
Pronunciation |
English |
Enero |
Enero |
January |
Febrero |
Feb-rare-o |
Febuary |
Marzo |
Marso |
March |
Abril |
ab-reel |
April |
Mayo |
maio |
May |
Junio |
Hoon-e-o |
June |
Julio |
Hoo-lee-o |
July |
Agosto |
A-gos-to |
August |
Septiembre |
Sep-tee-embre |
September |
Octubre |
Oct-oo-bre |
October |
Noviembre |
No-vee-embre |
November |
Deciembre |
d-ceem-bre |
December |
Here are the Numbers In spanish and in English.
Spanish |
Pronunciation |
English |
uno |
oo-no |
1 |
dos |
d-os |
2 |
tres |
tr-es |
3 |
cuatro |
cu-at-ro |
4 |
cinco |
See-nco |
5 |
seis |
Sey-ss |
6 |
siete |
See-et-te |
7 |
ocho |
o-cho |
8 |
nueve |
New-a-ve |
9 |
diez |
d-es |
10 |
once |
on-say |
11 |
doce |
d-o-say |
12 |
trece |
dre-say |
13 |
catorce |
ka-tore-say |
14 |
quince |
keen-say |
15 |
“diez y” sies, siete, oncho, nueve |
de-ez- e …... |
16,17,18,19 |
“veinte y” viente, uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco,
sies,siete, ocho, nueve |
v-ein-tay e..... |
20, 21,22,23,24,25,26.27,28,29 |
treinta, trienta y uno |
tre-in-da e.... |
30,31 |
In America, we pronounce the month first and then the date. in Spanish we
pronounce the date first, and the month second. Here are some examples below.
We would say “ el” then the number, then “de” the month,
Dates In America |
Dates In spanish |
August, 27 |
El veinte y siete de agosto |
December, 16 |
El diez y sies de deciembre |
April, 4 |
El cuatro de Abril |
June 17th |
El diez y siete de junio |
Days Of the Week In Spanish
Alfredo Tang & Miguel Woodruff
Days of the
Here are
the days to ask the question what day is it today, yesterday was, tomorrow will
be, and the days of the week. As you notice in Spanish, the days that start a
new week will be Mondays.
Question/ Days of the week |
In Spanish |
Pronunciation |
What day is it today? |
¿Qué dîa es hoy? |
¿kay d-ay es oy? |
Yesterday was |
Ayer fue |
a-year fuey |
Tomorrow will be |
Manaña Sera |
min-ya-na sera |
Monday |
Lunés |
lu-nes |
Tuesday |
Martes |
mar/tes |
Wednesday |
Miercoles |
mier/co/les |
Thursday |
Jueves |
huay-ves |
Friday |
Viernes |
v/ear/ness |
Saturday |
Sabado |
sa/ba/d/o |
Sunday |
Domingo |
d/o/ming/go |
Alfredo Tang & Miguel Woodruff
Band X
Telling Time:
In the Spanish country,
it is good to know the time and asking them in Spanish. It helps you understand
the time and to do something next.
Here are three ways to say what time it is.
Spanish |
Pronunciation |
English |
¿Qué hora es? |
¿Kay ora- es? |
What time is it? |
¿Qué hora son? |
¿Kay ora son? |
What time is it? |
¿Qué hora tiene? |
¿ kay ora t- an? |
What time is it? |
Here are two ways when to use the time on different hours.
Spanish |
Pronunciation |
English |
Es la una |
S la oo-na |
You use “es la” on 1 o clock |
Son las…. |
sun las |
You use “ son las” from 2- 12 o clock |
Here are some ways to say quarter, half of the minutes.
Spanish |
Pronunciation |
English |
y cuarto |
e core-toe |
15 |
y media |
e mi-dia |
30 |
y menos cuarto |
e mi-nos core-toe |
45 |
From 1- 30 minutes:
1) Es la_____
son los_____
2) Write/ say the time was given
3) When there is minutes you say “y”
4) Write/ say the minutes
10:16 |
Son las diez y diezsiete |
1:28 |
Es la una y veinteocho |
From 31-59 minutes
1) Es la____
Son las____
2) Take the number ahead of the hour
3) When there is minutes, you write/say “menos”
4) Subtract the time of the original time by 60.
11:55 |
son las doce menos cinco |
2:35 |
son los tres menos viente y cinco |
You will say the following at the end when the time will be.
Spanish |
Pronunciation |
English |
de la mañana |
day la min-an-na |
Am in the morning |
de la tarde |
day la -dar-day |
Pm in the afternoon |
de la noche |
day la no=chay |
Pm at the evening/ night |
Asking someone's Number
Alfredo Tang & Miguel Woodruff
Numbers, phone numbers:
Here is one way to ask someone for the number.
¿Cuales tu numero de telefono /celluar? |
¿cua-les tu nu-mer-ro day te-le-fo-no/ cell- u-er |
What is your house number/ cellphone number? |
Answering back the question.
Mi numero de telefono /celluar es... |
me nu-mer-ro day te-le-fo-no/cell-u-er s.... |
My telephone/ cellphone number is..... |
Here are the numbers you need to know
Spanish |
Pronunciation |
English |
uno |
oo-no |
1 |
dos |
d-os |
2 |
tres |
tr-es |
3 |
cuatro |
cu-at-ro |
4 |
cinco |
see-nco |
5 |
seis |
sey-ss |
6 |
siete |
see-et-te |
7 |
ocho |
o-cho |
8 |
nueve |
new-a-ve |
9 |
cero |
ser-o |
0 |
Greetings, How Are you and Goodbyes
Alfredo Tang & Miguel Woodruff
Band X
The Greeting, How are you and Goodbyes
Here are the greetings if you are in the Spanish native country. It is very
handy to greet people, how they are and saying good byes in couple ways.
Spanish |
Pronunciation |
English |
¡Hola! |
oh-la |
Hi |
¡Buenos Dias |
boy- nos de-is |
Good morning |
¡Buenas Tardes |
boy-nos dar-des |
Good afternoon |
¡Buenas Noches |
boy-nos no-chess |
Good Evening/ night |
Then the followings of “How are you.” You use informal to younger people and
the same age group. Formal is to use for older people/ interviews. Plural is
for more than one person.
¿Como estas? |
co-mo s-stas |
Informal |
¿Que tal? |
kay- tale |
Informal |
¿Como esta ud? |
co-mo s-sta u-d |
Formal |
¿Como estan ustedes? |
co-mo es-stan es-t-des |
Plural |
Here are some following that can be answer by the question
Feliz |
f-a-lees |
Happy |
Bien |
b-een |
Okay |
Mal |
mal |
Sad |
Excelente |
ex-cell-len-tay |
Great |
Estupendo/a |
es-tu-pen- do/a |
Great |
Maso Menos |
mas-o may-nos |
So/so or Alright |
Ma/Horrible |
mal/horrible |
Bad/Horible/ Poorly |
Ways to say goodbye.
!Adios! |
a-de-os |
Bye- Formal |
¡Chao! |
ch-oww |
Bye- informal |
¡Hasta Luego! |
asta lu-a-go |
See you later |
¡Hasta Mañana! |
asta min-an-na |
See you tomorrow |
Band X
What is the weather like? | ¿Que tiempo hace? |
Here are the weathers that are shown below. If someone ask the question what is
the weather like, you can say one of the following below.
Esta Nublado |
Cloudy |
Hace Viento | Windy |
Esta Nevando | Snowing |
Esta lloviendo | Raining |
Hace sol | Sunny |
Telling Time
Alfredo Tang & Miguel Woodruff
Band X
Telling Time:
In the Spanish country,
it is good to know the time and asking them in Spanish. It helps you understand
the time and to do something next.
Here are three ways to say what time it is.
Spanish |
Pronunciation |
English |
¿Qué hora es? |
¿Kay ora- es? |
What time is it? |
¿Qué hora son? |
¿Kay ora son? |
What time is it? |
¿Qué hora tiene? |
¿ kay ora t- an? |
What time is it? |
Here are two ways when to use the time on different hours.
Spanish |
Pronunciation |
English |
Es la una |
S la oo-na |
You use “es la” on 1 o clock |
Son las…. |
sun las |
You use “ son las” from 2- 12 o clock |
Here are some ways to say quarter, half of the minutes.
Spanish |
Pronunciation |
English |
y cuarto |
e core-toe |
15 |
y media |
e mi-dia |
30 |
y menos cuarto |
e mi-nos core-toe |
45 |
From 1- 30 minutes:
1) Es la_____
son los_____
2) Write/ say the time was given
3) When there is minutes you say “y”
4) Write/ say the minutes
10:16 |
Son las diez y diezsiete |
1:28 |
Es la una y veinteocho |
From 31-59 minutes
1) Es la____
Son las____
2) Take the number ahead of the hour
3) When there is minutes, you write/say “menos”
4) Subtract the time of the original time by 60.
11:55 |
son las doce menos cinco |
2:35 |
son los tres menos viente y cinco |
You will say the following at the end when the time will be.
Spanish |
Pronunciation |
English |
de la mañana |
day la min-an-na |
Am in the morning |
de la tarde |
day la -dar-day |
Pm in the afternoon |
de la noche |
day la no=chay |
Pm at the evening/ night |
Months and Dates
Alfredo Tang & Miguel Woodruff
Band X
Months/ Dates
Here are the months that are shown below.
Months In Spanish |
Pronunciation |
English |
Enero |
en-errro |
January |
Febrero |
Feb-rare-o |
Febuary |
Marzo |
Marso |
March |
Abril |
ab-reel |
April |
Mayo |
maio |
May |
Junio |
Hoon-e-o |
June |
Julio |
Hoo-lee-o |
July |
Agosto |
A-gos-to |
August |
Septiembre |
Sep-tee-embre |
September |
Octubre |
Oct-oo-bre |
October |
Noviembre |
No-vee-embre |
November |
Deciembre |
d-ceem-bre |
December |
Here are the Numbers In spanish and in English.
Spanish |
Pronunciation |
English |
uno |
oo-no |
1 |
dos |
d-os |
2 |
tres |
tr-es |
3 |
cuatro |
cu-at-ro |
4 |
cinco |
See-nco |
5 |
seis |
Sey-ss |
6 |
siete |
See-et-te |
7 |
ocho |
o-cho |
8 |
nueve |
New-a-ve |
9 |
diez |
d-es |
10 |
once |
on-say |
11 |
doce |
d-o-say |
12 |
trece |
dre-say |
13 |
catorce |
ka-tore-say |
14 |
quince |
keen-say |
15 |
“diez y” sies, siete, oncho, nueve |
de-ez- e …... |
16,17,18,19 |
“veinte y” viente, uno, doz, tres, cuatro, cinco,
sies,siete, ocho, nueve |
v-ein-tay e..... |
20, 21,22,23,24,25,26.27,28,29 |
treinta, trienta y uno |
tre-in-da |
30,31 |
In America, we pronounce the month first and then the date. in Spanish we
pronounce the date first, and the month second. Here are some examples below.
We would say “ el” then the number, then “de” the month,
Dates In America |
Dates In spanish |
August, 27 |
El veinte y siete de agosto |
December, 16 |
El diez y sies de deciembre |
April, 4 |
El cuatro de Abril |
Days Of The Week
Band X
of the week:
Here are
the days to ask the question what day is it today, yesterday was, tomorrow will
be, and the days of the week. As you notice in Spanish, the days that start a
new week will be Mondays.
Question/ Days of the week |
In Spanish |
Pronunciation |
What day is it today? |
¿Qué dîa es hoy? |
¿kay d-ay es oy? |
Yesterday was |
Ayer fue |
a-year fuey |
Tomorrow will be |
Manaña Sera |
min-ya-na sera |
Monday |
Lunés |
lu-nes |
Tuesday |
Martes |
mar/tes |
Wednesday |
Miercoles |
mier/co/les |
Thursday |
Jueves |
huay-ves |
Friday |
Viernes |
v/ear/ness |
Saturday |
Sabado |
sa/ba/d/o |
Sunday |
Domingo |
d/o/ming/go |
Numbers and Phone Numbers
Band x
Numbers, phone numbers:
Here is one way to ask someone for the number.
¿Cuales tu numero de telefono /celluar? |
¿cua-les tu nu-mer-ro day te-le-fo-no/ cell- u-er |
What is your house number/ cellphone number? |
Answering back the question.
Mi numero de telefono /celluar es... |
me nu-mer-ro day te-le-fo-no/cell-u-er s.... |
My telephone/ cellphone number is..... |
Here are the numbers you need to know
Spanish |
Pronunciation |
English |
uno |
oo-no |
1 |
dos |
d-os |
2 |
tres |
tr-es |
3 |
cuatro |
cu-at-ro |
4 |
cinco |
see-nco |
5 |
seis |
sey-ss |
6 |
siete |
see-et-te |
7 |
ocho |
o-cho |
8 |
nueve |
new-a-ve |
9 |
cero |
ser-o |
0 |
Greetings, How are you and Good Byes
Band x
The Greeting, How are
you and Goodbyes
Here are the greetings if you are in the Spanish native country. It is very
handy to greet people, how they are and saying good byes in couple ways.
Spanish |
Pronunciation |
English |
¡Hola! |
oh-la |
Hi |
¡Buenos Dias |
boy- nos de-is |
Good morning |
¡Buenas Tardes |
boy-nos dar-des |
Good afternoon |
¡Buenas Noches |
boy-nos no-chess |
Good Evening/ night |
Then the followings of “How are you.” You use informal to younger people and
the same age group. Formal is to use for older people/ interviews. Plural is
for more than one person.
¿Como estas? |
co-mo s-stas |
Informal |
¿Que tal? |
kay- tale |
Informal |
¿Como esta ud? |
co-mo s-sta u-d |
Formal |
¿Como estan ustedes? |
co-mo es-stan es-t-des |
Plural |
Here are some following that can be answer by the question
Feliz |
f-a-lees |
Happy |
Bien |
b-een |
Okay |
Mal |
mal |
Sad |
Excelente |
ex-cell-len-tay |
Great |
Estupendo/a |
es-tu-pen- do/a |
Great |
Maso Menos |
mas-o may-nos |
So/so or Alright |
Ma/Horrible |
mal/horrible |
Bad/Horible/ Poorly |
Ways to say goodbye.
!Adios! |
a-de-os |
Bye- Formal |
¡Chao! |
ch-oww |
Bye- informal |
¡Hasta Luego! |
asta lu-a-go |
See you later |
¡Hasta Mañana! | asta min-an-na | See you tomorrow |