Greetings, How are you and Good Byes
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The Greeting, How are
you and Goodbyes
Here are the greetings if you are in the Spanish native country. It is very
handy to greet people, how they are and saying good byes in couple ways.
Spanish |
Pronunciation |
English |
¡Hola! |
oh-la |
Hi |
¡Buenos Dias |
boy- nos de-is |
Good morning |
¡Buenas Tardes |
boy-nos dar-des |
Good afternoon |
¡Buenas Noches |
boy-nos no-chess |
Good Evening/ night |
Then the followings of “How are you.” You use informal to younger people and
the same age group. Formal is to use for older people/ interviews. Plural is
for more than one person.
¿Como estas? |
co-mo s-stas |
Informal |
¿Que tal? |
kay- tale |
Informal |
¿Como esta ud? |
co-mo s-sta u-d |
Formal |
¿Como estan ustedes? |
co-mo es-stan es-t-des |
Plural |
Here are some following that can be answer by the question
Feliz |
f-a-lees |
Happy |
Bien |
b-een |
Okay |
Mal |
mal |
Sad |
Excelente |
ex-cell-len-tay |
Great |
Estupendo/a |
es-tu-pen- do/a |
Great |
Maso Menos |
mas-o may-nos |
So/so or Alright |
Ma/Horrible |
mal/horrible |
Bad/Horible/ Poorly |
Ways to say goodbye.
!Adios! |
a-de-os |
Bye- Formal |
¡Chao! |
ch-oww |
Bye- informal |
¡Hasta Luego! |
asta lu-a-go |
See you later |
¡Hasta Mañana! | asta min-an-na | See you tomorrow |
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