Intimidator Difficulty
The topic I am researching is how young people can stop bullying when it can hurt people’s feeling. I am trying to prevent people from bullying because the ones who get bullied will do tremendously wrong things when they have low esteem. Parents want their children to be in a safe environment at school and getting home safely without getting discomfort from students in school. Many parents can’t stop the negative passion of bullying when their children are the bully. Bullying occurs everywhere in the community, and the society needs to end the harassments. Humans tend to tease other people no matter what. Some kids pick on other kids who are weaker than them, so they feel pride in themselves.
There are forms of bullying; harassment, verbal, cyberbully,physical, and many more. Physical bullying also known as harassment is when there someone is hurting people such as fighting, kicking, etc. Verbal words comes out from people’s mouth when they say inappropriate things because they don’t know words can hurt feelings. Sometimes when you joke around with your friends, it can be offensive.
Cyber-bully occurs on social media when texting, pictures, sending threats will affect their behavior. Indirect bullying is when there are rumors spreading around places that might be false when they can’t stop the stories. Cyber-bully happens 24/7 when parents can’t track anonymous posts. When text messages, posting pictures are sent to the person it will be extremely hard to erase because other people can read what they write to them especially on social media. Technology had been evolving constantly when the generations of children knows better than their parents, which makes parents hard to figure out. You should watch the movie Cyberbully that occurs to most teenagers.
All the types of bullying can affect the way you can act and who you are. For example, people tease others by the way they look, religion, gender, race, and how they act. These can prevent people who had been bullied can commit suicide, deep depression, or physical abuse to themselves. Rumors will start in a matter of time when someone says something negative to them. Children will skip school, fail in classes, health problems, take bad medications on their body. Adults are trying to figure out how to end the bullying at school when things get very intense. Many lives are gone when children are hurting each other. Words can always hurt someone’s feeling when they are in deep depression. One of the reasons schools make kids wear uniforms is because other students will not judge each other when they wear the same clothes. If students have privilege to wear anything, things will be out of hand when they will comment their outfit. Students can lose friendship by getting bullied and struggle with school. The bullies think they are better than others, but its wrong to hurt other people when they are foolish.
Here are just some facts about bullying and you should be aware of. About 160,000 children miss school each day because they have the fear of getting hurt from other classmates. 56% of the students have witness bullying occurring in school. Did you know that 1 out of 7 students from k-12 are the bullied or the the victim of being bullied? 1 out of 20 students seen guns at school. 90% from 4th to 8th grade told of being the victims. All of these had been crucial for our generation. Children aren’t safe when school don’t do anything about ending the pressure are towards the victims. It's astonishing for most people when they found dramatic numbers are increasing of children that had been the victim of being bully.
They don’t know what to do with the situation, and their mind sets off to breakdown and gave up hope. If you take the time to realize how deeply it affects people, you might think twice.
Stop bullying. Make a change, and become the role model.
Here’s the links to my bibliography.
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