Months and Dates
Alfredo Tang & Miguel Woodruff
Band X
Months/ Dates
Here are the months that are shown below.
Months In Spanish |
Pronunciation |
English |
Enero |
en-errro |
January |
Febrero |
Feb-rare-o |
Febuary |
Marzo |
Marso |
March |
Abril |
ab-reel |
April |
Mayo |
maio |
May |
Junio |
Hoon-e-o |
June |
Julio |
Hoo-lee-o |
July |
Agosto |
A-gos-to |
August |
Septiembre |
Sep-tee-embre |
September |
Octubre |
Oct-oo-bre |
October |
Noviembre |
No-vee-embre |
November |
Deciembre |
d-ceem-bre |
December |
Here are the Numbers In spanish and in English.
Spanish |
Pronunciation |
English |
uno |
oo-no |
1 |
dos |
d-os |
2 |
tres |
tr-es |
3 |
cuatro |
cu-at-ro |
4 |
cinco |
See-nco |
5 |
seis |
Sey-ss |
6 |
siete |
See-et-te |
7 |
ocho |
o-cho |
8 |
nueve |
New-a-ve |
9 |
diez |
d-es |
10 |
once |
on-say |
11 |
doce |
d-o-say |
12 |
trece |
dre-say |
13 |
catorce |
ka-tore-say |
14 |
quince |
keen-say |
15 |
“diez y” sies, siete, oncho, nueve |
de-ez- e …... |
16,17,18,19 |
“veinte y” viente, uno, doz, tres, cuatro, cinco,
sies,siete, ocho, nueve |
v-ein-tay e..... |
20, 21,22,23,24,25,26.27,28,29 |
treinta, trienta y uno |
tre-in-da |
30,31 |
In America, we pronounce the month first and then the date. in Spanish we
pronounce the date first, and the month second. Here are some examples below.
We would say “ el” then the number, then “de” the month,
Dates In America |
Dates In spanish |
August, 27 |
El veinte y siete de agosto |
December, 16 |
El diez y sies de deciembre |
April, 4 |
El cuatro de Abril |
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